Mayor Sala claims Milan and Inter’s San Siro project can’t be considered ‘closed’

The Mayor of Milan, Giuseppe Sala, has made the claim that the ‘new San Siro’ project launched by AC Milan and Inter has not yet been put to bed.

It is now nearly half a decade ago that Milan and Inter announced a joint project whereby they would build a new state of the art stadium on the vacant land next to the existing San Siro and then that would in turn be at least part-demolished.

However, the Rossoneri and the Nerazzurri ended up becoming frustrated with the constant bureaucratic and political delays that took place amid protests and constraints, so both seem to have turned away and started their own projects.

As was outlined by La Gazzetta dello Sport recently, Milan’s plan is for a 65-70,000-seat stadium in the San Francesco area of San Donato to be completed by 2029 which would also include a number of other amenities such as bars and restaurants, officers and potentially the new club headquarters.

Sala spoke again about the San Siro plans during a press conference at the Teatro alla Scala, and he suggested that things have not yet been officially closed on that front.

“All in all it’s clear that it doesn’t help the bond, but I don’t think that from my point of view we can declare the San Siro dossier closed, let’s see,” he said (via PianetaMilan).

“I will also talk to the teams because we have an open procedure and we need to understand what intentions they have. It is useless for me to comment because any word on a topic of this kind is wrong, we will see.

“In any case, especially as long as this procedure is open and until the teams show, if they show, no more interest in San Siro, I’ll keep quiet and wait.”

Tags AC Milan


      1. I was thinking another word starting with a “d”, DESPERATE. He’s finally starting to understand that the city will by left holding the back for a decrepit 70k stadium that will be utterly useless because both former tenants will have state-of-the-art stadiums that not only will host all football matches of import, but any concert seeking to be in a stadium that size. There will be almost no revenue streams for San Siro and the city will have to foot the bill. Then it will fall into even greater disrepair to the point where they either have to tear it down anyway, or as Rome for assistance to minimally maintain it as a “monument”. So the Italian people will foot the bill. Just a great example of Italian stubbornness leading to worse outcomes.

        1. That is certainly also a valid way to view it and truth be told i have previously thought that this is gonna come back an bite the municipality in their rearends and for that matter the tax payers wallets so its a bit strange one to say the least.
          Milan and inter pays 8.5 mil each a year so that is 17 mil which isnt a huge ammount in a city of milanos size but as you also point out they will most likely also miss out on a bunch of revenues due to concerts/expos instead being held at the new stadiums of ac milan and inter,
          I can understand though that there are some limitations in regard of building though due to whatever ruins might be burried below ground but italy deffently also has some issues as we have seen milan and inter seemingly being held for fools for many years which also has hurt the city.

  1. He is right. The project of a new stadium at San Siro is not dead. But…
    He has a secret deal with Inter to kick Milan out of the San Siro to another area. After that it will surely allow Inter to build a new stadium on San Siro area. Mark my words.
    In this case AC Milan should then sue the city hall of Milano and ask for big damages.

    1. Its not possible because part of san siro will get the status of cultural heritage and that is happening while both clubs are still renting the stadium which makes it impossible to tear down san siro,
      Inter wil have to build their own stadium or stay put which isnt ideal considering they might even have to pay more than they currently pays and the state of of it.

  2. But the idea of demolishing San Siro in the first place is awkward.
    That arena is too iconic for the city of Milan and for the world of football at large to be demolished.

    1. The idea of staying in San Siro is stupid. The stadium has lost several thousands of seats due to vibration issue at 3rd tier. It is getting dangerous for the spectators, it’s disaster waiting to happen.

      1. Yeah , that mayor also want both Milan club renovating san siro , if i dont wrong remember one article : the cost of renovating san siro will make both milan club free from rent cost few years but still that stadium owned by city council . What a stupid idea if choose staying on high cost old stadium just because history

  3. Claim whatever you want . Nobody interested renting stadium forever from your city government. This mayor sala only want both Milan club pay renting stadium forever, talking to him or city council are wasting time because he wont allow both club have own stadium

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