Scaroni admits Milan’s stadium pursuit ‘has taken its toll’ but shares positive news

Paolo Scaroni has led AC Milan’s stadium pursuit ever since the beginning, when they announced a project with Inter, and the process has been long. In an interview, he admitted that it’s been tiring but also shared positive news. 

Milan have been working on a new stadium for several years and recently abandoned the San Siro completely, and thus also their project with Inter. Now, the Rossoneri are working on a stadium of their own and have a few areas in mind.

San Donato appears to be the frontrunner as Milan have acquired Sportlifecity (read more here) and Scaroni shared an update on the sidelines of the Banco BPM event last night. He admitted that the process has taken its toll but also shared some positive news.

“This stadium saga has taken its toll on me. Also because it’s a matter to which, I have to say, I have devoted a lot of time and energy. I’m not really used to using my energy without reaching the finish line.

“At the moment, we have two or three initiatives, which in my opinion have legs and are viable. Right now, I don’t want to anticipate any news, but it seems to me that we are beginning to see some light at the end of the tunnel after four years of suffering,” he said as cited by

“[Banco] BPM will support and help finance the new stadium for us,” he added as cited by Francesco Nasato.

It’s important for Milan to have a bank behind them as the project will be expensive. It’s not exactly something that you pay for in cash, but the revenue opportunities are many and the Rossoneri will certainly make the money back and more.