European growth, accounts, mercato and more: Seven reasons for Milan fans to be optimistic

By Oliver Fisher -

There is a lot of negative press surrounding AC Milan at the moment given the amount of perceived uncertainty hanging over the club after what has been a difficult season.

We have already written about them at length, from the fan protests against the potential hiring of Julen Lopetegui to the complex nature of Milan’s hierarchy and why too many gears might cause a jam.

The social media sphere surrounding Milan continues to be toxic. Arguments over who should be the next head coach and striker drive a further divide into a fanbase that are confused and hungry for success.

Throughout the season we would like to think that we have done a good job of documenting the highs and the lows, such is the duty in the search of objectivity. There have been challenging stretches that have pushed patience to the limits as part of that.

At a time when it is hard to be positive, it is sometimes important to step back, take stock and realise that there are still some things to be optimistic about, as we have highlighted below.

As a disclaimer, this piece might not be for you. Some prefer to focus on the problems that must be fixed and that is absolutely fine, but please try to understand that this is not an attempt to pull the wool over anyone’s eyes, just a chance to point out the foundations to build on.

1. European pedigree

Milan have qualified for the upcoming (new and richer) Champions League for the fourth consecutive time, following a seven-year absence from the top European competition (from 2014 to 2021).

It has been spoken about time and time again by all ownerships – not just the present one – that securing continuous UCL football is a fundamental foundation of future success because of the revenues it brings.

Some might have thought it was an absolute given after the 2021-22 season, but Napoli’s plight this season after their title win and Lazio’s drop off from second last year shows that it is actually not straightforward to keep being among the top four.

Additionally, the victory over Cagliari secured the team’s place in the Final Four of the Italian Super Cup, to be held in Saudi Arabia. That will bring in a nice chunk of extra money.

2. An exciting summer

After the sacking of Paolo Maldini and Ricky Massara caused a stir, Geoffrey Moncada and his team got to work bringing in 10 players during the last summer transfer window.

The investments made by Milan last summer have proven successful on the field at least in terms of numbers. Players acquired by the Rossoneri in summer 2023 have collectively contributed 47 goals and 23 assists this season, accounting for 73.7% of all goals scored.

Of course there are additional caveats such as what wasn’t addressed, but Milan are in a position now (financially, which we will come onto) to build further on the work that was done and to perhaps get towards having a complete squad.

It’s not like we have no idea where the team can go from here. There is an obvious need to sign a centre-forward, a defensive midfielder, a centre-back, a full-back and plug other holes too, so that at least adds some clarity to the mission this summer.

3. Youth development

Milan are continuing to work on its Under-23 team project to further strengthen the youth sector, which has been delivering promising results.

Six Primavera players debuted with the first team this season, and the Primavera reached the UEFA Youth League final for the first time and the Final Four for the second consecutive year.

The results of Ignazio Abate’s side are proof that there is a very talented group of players on the cusp of a breakthrough and having a team competing against senior sides in Serie C will really help that.

Just looking down the Primavera side, the likes of Noah Raveyre, Jan-Carlo Simic, Clinton Nsiala, Alex Jimenez, Kevin Zeroli, Victor Eletu, Diego Sia, Filippo Scotti, Mattia Liberali, Francesco Camarda and others form a core from which at least some should make the jump with ease.

4. Financial solidity at least

The latest financial statement showed a profit after 17 years (since 2006), with record revenues exceeding €400m. The current budget forecasts are equally positive, allowing for further investments in the sports sector.

We did a breakdown of the projections for the 2023-24 accounts on our Substack (as a free read) and it highlighted how the increasing revenues from various different streams means that an even larger profit should be recorded.

Obviously the intentions of the ownership must now be to take those greater margins for investment and put out a better product on the field, but without the improved financial situation the ability to improve the squad would be incredibly limited.

This economic resurgence puts Milan on much more stable footing compared to their competitors (look how Inter’s owners are scrambling just to refinance) and has happened under the eyes of a UEFA Settlement Agreement, something which can only help put the club in good graces.

5. Commercial explosion

Alongside its sporting efforts, Milan are continuing to strengthen its commercial activities under their American ownership, as was perhaps to be expected given their emphasis on merging the sports and entertainment spheres.

In the 2022-23 season, the club closed 31 agreements, including significant renewals with PUMA and Emirates. Last November, Casa Milan Dubai, the club’s new headquarters in the Middle East, was inaugurated.

In addition, Milan’s brand continues to grow significantly. Brand Finance highlighted the AC Milan brand’s highest growth in the world in 2023. The club is also regarded as the most esteemed Italian football club in the United States and China, according to international market research.

6. A guarantor

Zlatan Ibrahimovic’s return to Milan is something that was far from a given. The talks went on for several weeks because both sides needed assurances, and in the end the Swede felt ready to help again.

It goes without saying that Zlatan represents a valuable addition in terms of charisma and identity for Milan. Not only that but he can offer his experience to help mentor some of the players who need it, in difficult and formative moments.

Above all though, having Ibrahimovic back around is a guarantee of sporting ambition. Throughout his entire career the former striker strived to be the best and to win – that competitive edge doesn’t just appear overnight.

We are heading into the first summer with Ibra as part of the working group so at present it wouldn’t be fair to judge his work. In the big decisions that are to come, you can believe that he will have a decisive say.

7. New stadium

As has been extensively documented, Milan and RedBird are actively working on the new stadium project and they hope to give the fans a new home to be proud of.

Owner Gerry Cardinale considers the stadium crucial for the club’s future to remain among the elite of European and world football, because of the revenues it would generate and the possibilities it would bring.

San Donato appears to be the chosen site so while it will involve a move to a different part of the city it will become a ‘Milan Village’ of sorts. There will a new club shop, museum, hotels, offices, shops and more.

It may take a few years until a ball is kicked for the first time, but it will be the completion and the realisation of a project that could instantly catapult Milan above other sides in Italy.

Tags AC Milan


  1. There’s a very clear long term plan for success at Milan with the moves having been made as well as those currently in the works.

    Financial stability and stadium and not overpaying four players has somehow been turned into a negative by a lot of fans here. And generally, there just seems to be a majority of people who are very shortsighted in their assessment of Milan’s progress so far.

    Not all of the needs on the pitch Were addressed in one transfer window, and under the guidance of a limited tactician we have under performed to be fair. But there is no reason to write off this club and it’s current ownership As many here do.

    Agree to disagree, but there seems to be a lot of flack just because the ownership of the club is American. But let’s not forget that under the financial irresponsibility of Busconi and consequently the Chinese, it is the Americans that came in and cleaned up this mess.

    So yes, I feel like there’s a lot to be positive about and a lot to look forward to.


    1. I don’t think most of the criticism had anything to nationalism. The summer transfer window gave us some talented addition for depth, but the quality of the first team has progressed very little. And it’s not due to limited tactician, at least imo, it’s despite us having a bery solid coach in Pioli. Pulisic is great, but how much better is he compared to Diaz? Yes, Reijnders is an amazing buy, but it was offset by bennasser going missing in action all season. And Kalulu’s deastic decline hasn’t helped either (we’re at the point we somebody like Gabbia looks good).

      So there are positives, but there are also definitely negatives

        1. Forget the stats for a second. I can retort easily by saying look at our best position with Pulisic (2) or without (1). How’s that for stats?

          If you think Pulisic is much more effective than Diaz, good on you, but I don’t see a huge difference. Again, I really like Pulisic, but has he been able to lift us in games against top teams when Leao is faltering? Not so much imo. We are still very much Theo and Leao dependent on offense, and our defensive game has declined

          1. The new signings have accounted for over 70% of our goal and assist contributions. If anything, that tells us that the new guys are contributing a lot, and our reliance on the left for production is less than before. But our number 10 is still definitely the most dangerous player on the field.

          2. Defensive game declining might be cause of *checks notes* our top 3 Centre backs being injured and out on the treatment table for 9 months combined.

            Just saying, you talk about defensive fragilities without addressing the elephant in the room, and it just makes no sense.

          3. And how is it Pulisic’s fault or Diaz’s absence that we declined defensively ? We didn’t add nor sell a defender since last season and still have the same defenders than during the scudetto season.
            Diaz even in his best season was very inconsistent, plays 2 good games then pretty much dissapears entierly. Heck in the scudetto season, Krunic often started as a CAM and at some point Pioli even tried Kessie there. IMO, Pulisic is a large upgrade from Diaz, even though they are not technically playing in the same position.

          4. Pulisic is a better player than Diaz he scored more goals than Diaz. Pulisic is a complete footballer he has speed and can score some fantastic goals

          5. With the amount of injuries that milan suffered this season Pulisic helped the team to be in second position in the ladder

        2. The Scudetto win was due to a lot of factors. It’s not an apt comparison. There’s no contest between Puli and Diaz.

      1. Look at Puli’s numbers. Then compare them to Diaz’. Puli has been THAT much better.

        Not getting the best out of players and playing them in wrong positions (or at least the positions that bring out their best qualities) is on who in your opinion? In my book that’s Coach. Case in point – look at CDK this season…

        There are uncertainties. Like the areas of need that hadn’t been addressed in one window, but Rome wasn’t built in a day. Also The most important step now is to see who the new management appoint to lead us forward. That will tell us a lot about their ambitions. So I look forward to this project being built.

        1. Whichever way you dice it, we were a better team in our scudettto season. Our top 3 mids were better (i.e. played better together, not necessarily better players), and our defense was surely better.

          People can analyze stats however they like, but I watched almost every match of Pioli’s Milan, and we just dominated much more during Elliot’s tenure. This season isn’t as bad as people make it, but it’s definitely worse then the previous 2-2.5 years.

          1. There are just holes that need to be plugged, like the DM’s we all see that we need. The players we brought in should play better together next season. Current roster has more quality and holes that need addressing, along with the biggest one of all – next coach.

          2. Scudetto season teams better? Maybe. But this year squad definetly a lot better than last season especially the bench quality

      2. Kaluli has been injures neaely all year.. the transfee window was exccellent everybody is overall possitive over lasr year….
        The mistake keepinf Pioli….. which i th8link maldino actually renew him

    2. The “American” “Wall Street” “greedy bankers” thing is weird, I agree. I’ve asked people a couple of times on here why they keep going on about it and never get an answer. I can only assume they’ve got a stick up their a** because they’re socialists or Marxists or something.

      1. It’s a lot of emotions and frustrations and very little logic and objectivity. Just huffing & puffing. And it’s usually the same names making the same stale arguments. Very short sided.

      2. I cant speak for those complaining about bankers etc. but I can speak for myself and who hasnt complained about that and I’ve always been political far left wing and I overall doesn’t mind the american ownership even if they has made some choices that I initially wasn’t too happy about so i think its not a very nuanced picture you paints here. In the end ill take an american ownersjip any day over any regime sports washing owners.

        1. I don’t agree with every single thing the owners have done either – I’m just talking about the fact some fans continually bash them because they’re “greedy rich Wall St bankers” yadda yadda yadda. A few months ago the Inevitable Whining Crew were jumping for joy at the prospect of us being taken over by Saudis… So they’re upset our owner’s an American billionaire, but if he came from Saudi Arabia, that’d be fine? Give me strength…

          1. Ok fair enough dejan10 and dont get me wrong I also find that narrative of theirs ridiculous. I for one is thankfull that we isnt owned by the saudis or for example a russian owner.

          2. @Martin, no worries – I don’t really care where they’re from as long as they’re financially stable and get results. But everything’s doom and gloom with these people before what they imagine is going to happen is anywhere near happening.

          3. Well to be fair being financially stable and still getting results is the most important thing but imagine us being owned by putin or some other nasty character it certainly wouldnt be ok with me but yeah i think some people around are letting their imagination get a hang of them. I still think if the club wants to keep some credibility outside of the field then who owns the club is also part of the equation i my view.

          4. Gents the difference is simple.

            What you all have here is a civil discourse. You give reasoned positions of cause/effect and/or high correlation.

            When I see your handles and those fo ACM1899, IKWYdLS, Luigi and similar I slow down read carefully and think a bit.

            When someone bashes the US or spouts nonsense about finance I simply ignore what they have to say.

            In the US we call the “keyboard warriors” having met a few IRL I quietly pity them.

    3. Whatever you have to tell yourself to get through the night, Pal.

      And yes, so far this management has been great. I will continue to support it until they take detrimental steps that make me question them.

      Also, maybe grow up a little?

      1. Don’t reply to my comments and I won’t do to yours, seems easy to do, right? RIGHT?!

        You know exactly what I am talking about.

        No need to defend urself with ur secondary accounts

    4. Can I have a problem too?

      I am a son of a wh*re so I seem to qualify.

      Please make me laugh at you (not with you) some more.


      1. I wanted to ‘see’ if ‘you’ jump in to defend your original account lol aaaand you appeared. Now things are clear lol

        I just wondering how many more accounts you have

        Case closed, Mr MyDisabledKidPlayedSoccer 😊

      2. Thanks for the shoutout above. Greatly appreciated. I’ll try to post the thought provoking posts more often if ppl appreciate them. Admittedly though, unfortunately I do get caught up in some nonsense and getting lost in the melee.
        I also appreciate your posts alot and corrections as well (eg the comments on the article on the vendor loan was much appreciated) . Many a times I do find myself agreeing partially with ppl on some issues and fully on others. Sometimes those things dont get across well but I am appreciative

    5. Just one point of correction, the new signings have contributed about 40% of goal/assists contributions not 70%. Its not as surprising seeing as we replaced about 40% of our attack. There was an article that posted a misleading stat (came from elsewhere not Sempre). I’ll post a +/- once the season is over. It’s really interesting but basically what we lost in Europe we gained in the league in terms of goal contributions

    6. What if the tactician is not ‘limited’ but the players are?

      Why are you giving more benefit of the doubt to last summer’s blow ins than a man who has played a central role in the very progress you’re talking about?

      We have no direction because the club cannot make up its mind what its objectives are.

      We finished 4th (FOURTH) last season and reached the semi-finals of the Champions League. The club met expectations in the league and exceeded them in Europe. In response we sacked nearly every director, sold our midfield talisman, pushed another (Krunic), out, and signed 10 plus new players including multiple players for the same positions (how is spending 20 odd million on a back up RW economically sound?).

      This season, after all of that, the target was to finish in the top 4. Pioli finishes 2nd and is sacked. Who knows what will happen this summer. Kjaer and Giroud are definitely going, and we can probably expect another big sale to fund more misguided and badly targeted signings.

      There will be no new stadium. That requires a focus that’s clearly lacking.

      And there’s zero chance of developing any youth players if we keep making pointless signings.

      It’s a mess.

      And it’s got nothing to do with them being Americans. It’s more to do with Milan just being a really bad example of how modern football clubs are run.

  2. Absolutely 💯.
    Italian media and small loud minority of fanboys trying to push an agenda that Milan is falling apart and the current management is ruining the club.
    They wanna push the narrative that the mercato was a waste of 120 million. But the numbers show that the new players have contributed 47 goals, 23 assists, which equates to almost 74% of goals for Milan.
    They complain about the striker position. Milan didn’t sign the striker they wanted, and that was a failure by the management without doubt, but the numbers again show that Milan improved offensively significantly.
    In serie A Milan has scored 12 more goals than they did last season. Improvement even though the so called best player, who is a forward , regressed from last season.
    Point wise, Milan has 10 more points than they had at same point last season. Improvement.
    Defensively. The most talked about problem. Milan has given up only 1 more goal than they did to this point last season. Just 1 extra goal even though the midfielders supposedly can’t defend (unlike the “great” Tonali and Bennacer), even though all CBs were injured for a significant amount of time at the same time, even though Mike Maignan had the worst season as a Milan player. Just 1 goal regression defensively.
    Milan has a solid foundation. They need to address few positions ( striker, midfielder, CB, RB) and this is a scudetto winning team.
    First bring in a coach that knows how to use players in their proper positions, and a coach who will improve players and help them elevate their game, not just someone who ask them to run and go 1v1.
    Also, the so called best players on the team need to step up or they can step out. Milan didn’t reach their objectives this season, and it wasn’t because of the bad mercato but because of the coach, injuries and so called best players on the team failing to perform on the level they are supposed to.
    Still, Milan improved in comparison to last season.

    1. Yes the number speaks – inter has 20 points lead 30 goals less conceded and a title more. Even Atlanta and Juventus have more finals played than Milan in the last 3 years- real success!! Last season if it wasn’t for Juventus point penalty we would have been out of champions league – pure luck! We buy 11 new players who do contribute so much that we need to address “few positions” – that’s like half of the team 😂😂 brother you make no sense. From all the teams worth mentioning in Italy we doin better than the other Americans – Roma , well wait they at least played finals with Mourinho as well.
      And in two weeks time when you see Fonesca or some other yes man appointed as new head coach you gonna realise that the only real agenda on mr Boost your portofolio is the stadium and the resell of the club in 4-5 years time

      1. You understand that inter is 5 to 6 years into the project, correct? And in those 5 to 6 years of consistently finishing the top three in the table, you get that right? And they are led by Marota, who has been fantastic in finding the right talent. But their project and ownership has been the same in the last six years.

        Their form this season has been historic, just like Napoli’s was last season.

        So help me understand again how inter’s project has anything to do with Milan and how any of that is relevant?

          1. I never said we should be inspired to be someone. The numbers speak – from 2021 open Wikipedia and see what has inter won and what have we won. Yes we better financially than them so what? What are the dividends to the quality of the team. What has improved our defence ? Our midfield ? Our attack ? You tell me it’s like this money goes into your pocket 😂😂😂

        1. Bruh how many finals have we played apart from that scudetto run? Elliott had a plan that lead us to champions league semifinal and they had just to build on the success. Where is Gerry leading us to ? That’s the end of his second year going into the third – he as someone said here inherited a sustainable team and what has he done to elevate the team in this 2 years ?? Teams like Atalanta, Juventus , Roma , Napoli have done more . Inter isn’t in 6 years into the project – a project is build around a manager . Inzaghi is in this team from 2021 – yes he had some foundations but in this 4 years he won the scudetto ( would have been 2 if it wasn’t for Radu and we should build him a statue in front of Casa Milan), 2 copas , 2 supercopas plus a final in champions league. What you have been saying that Morota is fantastic – who did Gerry put in charge and what have they done so far ? What you saying is that inter is being lead bette than Milan with management that actually knows what is doing and what about ours – good numbers in the books and that’s it.
          Be honest do you see Milan wining anything with coach like Fonesca and sustainability talk. Unless they find the next xabi alonso the sustainability will only get him his new stadium for free that’s it

          1. Can you please tell me what inzaghi has won before joining inter? Not sure why fans are whining about the new coach. Most fans had a problem with Pioli becoming our new coach and 2 years later started singing Pioli on fire. If Foncesca can get us the Scudetto in 2 years I will take it because let’s be realistic this squad is far from winning a champions league.

          2. Roma, Napoli and Juve are a disaster, man. Are you serious? LOL!!! Atalanta is further into their season with consistent ownership and manager, like Inter.

            Inter is 6 years deep into a project that Conte built which suited perfectly into Inzaghi’s system. That’s a smooth transition that Marotta orchestrated. Props to him. Like, I don’t understand how to make you understand this.

            Cardinale (and when I say Cardinale, I mean Furlani and Moncada) came in without rocking the boat the first year and started making moves last summer. You have to give it time. You are expecting a championship caliber team into the first year of a rebuild?

            “ours – good numbers in the books and that’s it.” – Inter is about to get repossessed unless they get another loan to finance the loan they already have. Zhang is literally living paycheck to paycheck at Inter, figuratively speaking. Inter’s financial situation is dire. They are lucky that Marotta is a f*cking magician with the free agents in the market. But he won’t stay there long – their situation is unsustainable.

            Honestly, I see Milan hugely successful in the long run. It’s just going to take time to build up this team to get there.

            As for the coach, I am going to wait to see who they appoint to understand what their intentions are.

        2. Well it’s hard to get into a project if you keep hitting the reset button….

          Looks like this summer’s another Year Zero.

          I can’t wait for another 5 years to be talking about another 5 years.

      2. Dude, what happen last season is the reason we have new directors and bunch of players signing and like Z said, this season squad is perform much better than LAST SEASON squad thats the fact he is trying to say

    2. Hey @Z the CB thing?

      Tomorri and Kalulu were excellent in the as Scudetto season.
      Gabbia has leveled up and can provide the size Kalulu cannot and the maturity Thiaw cannot. He’s a bit like Kjaer on his better days.
      Thiaw has been a circus in 2024 but the potential is there.
      Simic proved he deserves the shot unless him out to develop faster

      Why go big dollar on CB with that quality? What’s missing in your eyes?

      My only concern is game over game mental consistency an strength. However I think this is a symptom of CBs needing to play as a pair and the injury crisis keeping that from happening.

      Thoughts? (Thanks)

      1. @ACM brother the team is rebuilding since Eliot. Who is responsible from Inter to have Marotta and we to have Furlani and Moncada and Ibra idk even what his role is. Thats what im tryin to say – economically fine we ok but the results aint there. All props to Americans they know how to make money but in my oppinion they have no idea how to bring sporting results in FOOTBALL not baseball basketball or whatever.How many years since Eliot took over – we havent changed the coach, but we are not able to build a team to develop further without selling someone. Every year its new page – how we need to buy this and this and this on almost every sector of our club. And you keep talkin from financial point of view – fine Inter gonna get fucked up but do you think Juventus gonna stay long in the mud? Then its gonna be them who have a great coach , great sporting directors and we will be still be financially sustainbale but behind them.
        Atalanta is disaster for sure. they cant wint a final they play but still they play in them, we on the other hand have the smirking Furlani in the stands and watch the finals from home. Juventus are disaster financially still they won the Copa . Inter are disaster financially for 4 years still won alot. The results u are right will come but with the right people at the helm who know not only how to bring money to the club but transfer that into sporting results.

        1. Listen, I don’t disagree that we could have a better hierarchy and more clarity than what we have now. Furlani is a financial guy, Moncada – a scout. ibra’s role is hard to define.

          We are missing a central figure, like Marotta at Inter or Sartori at Bologna to pull everything together. Maldini was supposed to be that. But when the time came to measure d*cks with Cardinale, he lost. “he who pays, orders the music” So that’s that.

          So what we’re left with is a triumvirate led by Cardinale which, by all accounts, didn’t do too badly last summer (with the exception of keeping Pioli – which i would argue was done in order to not shake the boat too much in a summer of revolution).

          So before I come down on Cardinale and his reign, I’m gonna give it a full benefit of the doubt and see where they take us. Again, based on the moves they are making, they are going to make this club to a long-term period of sustained success.

          Let’s see how the summer plays out.

      2. “Why go big dollar on CB with that quality? What’s missing in your eyes?”

        Reliability. An international level (Buongiorno, Scalvini) CB who will raise the level and give assurances. A leader in the defense. Thiaw & Kalulu are no leaders. Gabbia & Tomori can perhaps be considered as such and Simic might grow into one (at least he’s the leader in Primavera).

        1. Thanks @bh

          So this is about more of a guarantee for the now in Europe rather than looking a couple years down the road with NewCoach?

          I certainly see what you mean but I feel as tho we got that from Tomorri and Kalulu two years ago.. A small amount set aside for Theos deputy. I think the right can be Kalulu with Calebria as deputy unless a solid RB can be swooped.

          My theory is that a bigger spend on a DM and ST each while relying on proven players at the back will provide eus the best shot for next year.if we don’t see the defense back to ots Scudetto form then we invest in quality the following year.

          The flaw in my thinking is that NeeCoach will play a high line like Pioli and this our current crop will fit.

          It will be interesting to see how this plays out in the next month.

          1. Yeah… Not much we can do about it anyway so… Let’s see what happens and who we’ll get. Even the current CBs minus Kjaer could possibly suffice if the injury list won’t be packed with players next season.

  3. Considering that only Leao, Giroud and a half-Bennacer remained from the midfield and the offense from 2022/23, there’s nothing spectacular in the fact that recruits scored most of the goals hahaha

    For the rest, there’s nothing about football. Just an article to please the budget lovers around here. Speculation and promises. Forza brand

    1. But the stats and table standings show that this season squad do much better than last season, we dont even need Juve and Serie A help to qualify for next season UCL

      1. This season was also much easier you had so many teams underperforming that even when playing bad it was hard to loose.

        1. Easier? Who makes it hard last season? I think only Napoli having their historical performance just like this season, the rest is having mediocre season including us

  4. Milan is still ripping the rewards of the work that was done by Elliot, returning to europe, improving the youth teams, stabilising finances, pushing for the stadium, pluz winning a scudetto, this is Elliot Gazidis and previous management’s work, they are the ones who set those standards and path, the current ownership hasnt done anything yet besides inheriting an excellent work and plan, this summer is the defining moment, it will reveal everything about them, they wont enjoy the fruits of the previous owner forever, they have to put on their work now, time will tell

    1. That’s fair, the management needs to be judged based on their work. Are you critical of the work they did last summer?

      1. The work they did last summer hasnt produced the desired results yet, 20 points behind leaders, booted out of cup competitions early, humiliated by inter, big gaps still exist in the team, there is still time ofcourse to get the desired results but so far it hasnt happened, until it happens i wont be satisfied, my comment above clearly states that we wait for them to have their own success, the successes mentioned in the article were all inherited from Elliot’s good management, Gerry’s moment has arrived, lets see how good an owner he is, lets see if he will be able to unite the fanbase, and only one thing unites the fans, winning and beating up inter, not lying to us that we are partners yet we clearly know that we are consumers of their product, all we need is a good product and we will continue consuming, personally im not complaining, im refusing to clap hands early, im saying lets wait and see, esp whats gonna happen the next 3 months

  5. Oli, I like the way you have to write “As a disclaimer, this piece might not be for you…” like a trigger warning for all the Olympic-level whiners on here who’ll inevitably lose their sh*t over a bit of optimism.

    1. I get that the website in its nature is posting stories from all around the web and therefore there will be daily contradicting stories but isnt they themselves contributing to the toxicity at least in regard of the most gullible segments of this website who isnt necessarily capable of critical thinking ?

    2. It seems like the only whining that’s acceptable is whining that’s directed at the coach or the captain or any player who has been at the club for more than 1 season.

      But yes it’s totally normal to declare a season a great success and then sack the manager.

  6. 😂😂😂Could not agree more also please stop with the Berlusconi is to blame.

    Take Berlusconi out of the picture not only don’t have Ac milan being once upon a time one of the greatest football clubs of all time you also don’t have seria as the league it once was .

    Berlusconi did far more than just throw money at Milan he set the bar incredible high from top to bottom and yes it was partly a vanity project but also he LOVED the club .

    I do feel for the majority on hear who aren’t old enough to remember AC MILAN at their peak and I suppose that some what explains why most people hear not all I may add don’t get it when how things are now are not to be tolarated.

    This summer for myself at least is going to speak louder than words for ELLIOT RED BIRD ie new manager and players also clubs in the epl are voting to scrap vrr is it at all possible seria could do the same regards the CON which is FFP? and as for financial stability try telling Barcelona whom I believe have around 2 billion debt and over 100 curruption charges and yet are apparently in talks with klopp and have a brand new stadium as near as to move in to wonder what the chances are of them going under or ending up with American hedge funds?

  7. Funny you call fans who don’t get along with this RedBird, shortsighted but you fail to realise the foundations for this club and its financial health on this present day was laid by Elliott and previous management aka “the ones who must not be named” already. Financial statements and balance sheets that are on the table today are showings of past fiscal year and previous years before RedBird if I take into account also that Milan has to show financial statements from 2020 and will have to do so up to 2026 due to FFP agreement. So, Gerry is just continuing what Elliott, Gazidis, Maldini and Massara built. Don’t forget that the CEO Mr. Furlani is also Elliott’s man.

    I have never spoken negative about this management from financial point of view. I am all about stability and long-term selfsufficiency and I am against heavy spending and overspending. But certain manouvers and strategic decisions of RedBird and it’s management are not my coup of tea and so I do not share their vision.

  8. why i feel so many here push me to accept & satisfied to be inter b!tch, no i’m not.. Milan must be better/ higher than merda, Milan must be champion, if we are not a champion it’s mean we are not good enough (must be better)

    1. There are plenty of bot acaounts here made for justifying Redbird mistakes. And plenty of people falling for it. Milan should be a team that fights for trophies, nothing less. Even Juve won a title again and we are left empty handed again.

  9. In short: we’ll succeed. What we need is to hit the jackpot on hiring the correct coach; pick up two or three surgically defined signings in order to significantly reinforce the side on its weak spots – a certified, deadly striker, a good DM and a solid RB; and properly sub Maignan if needed; and that’s it, cause on the financial and managerial side of things we’re on the right track.

  10. 1. European pedigree: well we’re at least better than last season where we finished 5th technically. Napoli and Lazio have been terrible this season, but this overall an improvement compared to last season but not to 2021/22.
    2. An exciting summer: both hot and cold. A lot of improvement in the offensive department, but failed to target the players necessary for our midfield. And we have too many players in some positions. But again still better than the summer of 2022 (which isn’t saying much honestly).
    3. Youth development: no complains here, but it is an ongoing process. We’ll have to wait more to see the fruits.
    4. Financial solidity at least: no complains about that, let’s hope that it will be correctly put to use, otherwise what’s the point.
    5. Commercial explosion: feels connected to point 4. Again, can’t complain about that, but seems less important if the field results don’t improve.
    6. A guarantor: what is his role ? what does he do ? Is here there just to be an advisor to Cardinale ? An article was posted about how having too many gears can cause a jam, and now all of a sudden Zlatan is a big addition ? Again we’ll have to wait to see his true contribution I guess
    7. New stadium: Until it’s done I can’t comment on that.

  11. Well Jerry’s cheerleading crew has nothing else to hang on to but empty promises. On the field we won nothing so articles like this are like CL trophie for them lol just look at their comments.

  12. it doesn’t matter where the owner is from, what matters is the trophy.
    and from the way he manages this club in my opinion, it appears that he only prioritizes the financial side, not the achievement side of the club to become a champion.

  13. Let’s see how much growth if Theo, Mike, Tomori, Thiaw, Leao, and Bennacer leave for next summer.

    Giroud already leave and pretty much Kjaer and Florenzi will leave too.

    1. Fairly confident to say that Florenzi isnt going anywhere with that 3-3.5 mil salary a year, 2025 though it seems highly likely at that point of time though.
      Seem unlikely that milan would also sell as many players as you mentioned.

      1. So far we don’t hear any talk for Florenzi renewal and next season will be his last. So, i can see him accept proposal from other club that wants him at their starting lineup rather than stay at Milan and not used by new manager.

        And you said unlikely for Milan to sell these players. But remember what Furlani said that next season there will be new players for every position. Also remember what happened with Tonali. No players are off limit for the management.

        1. But which clubs would pay 3-3.5 mil pr year for an ageing injury prone rb who will turn 34 next season ? i cant really imagine who even though i actually like the player. That is unless milan actually pays a great deal of his last year of contract with us.

          Tonali was sold but seling all those players is a idifferent matter. I also believe he was hinting at some additions in various positions but sure i could see us selling maybe mike and bennacer if someone comes calling or are willing to pay the algerians release clause and then maybe some additions of lesser big named players but in the end only time will tell.

  14. Ok seeing as this article seems to be the season ender, I guess we’ll all give the assessments here. I must first off say that overall the team’s performance depends on how you look at it. Second place in future years will look great but currently it does not because of how we got to second place and the general feeling of not ever being in the title race. However 2nd is nothing to turn ones nose on. It’s an incredible feat. This goes in to point 1. Instead of pedigree I’d say it’s more consistency in obtaining a ticket to Europe. I wouldnt say pedigree simply because we don’t really perform well in the UCL bar last year. But won’t take away from the point itself.
    The other points on the structure and stability including financial (4,5&7) are valid and much appreciated by me even though I’ve been critical of how they handle other things. So we have a great foundation in terms of organizational structure and finances (I cant stress enough how beneficial that is), one which few teams can boast and one which we can use to get us to the next level.
    The rest I’m not so sure. Point 3 on youth development is so-so. We don’t actively promote youth, they’re used in emergency situations. It seems the feeling is that we are forced to play youth rather than develop them. But I hope that can change (I doubt however as recent history shows we’re just not good at that). Plus we fired the youth director even though he was hailed as one of the best. Thats not a good foundation to build on. But they did get some minutes so kudos for that.
    On point 6, Ibra the guarantor, as of now I just don’t buy it. But he hasn’t been in the role long enough. Furlani adding that Ibra doesn’t have voting power is a bad look and raises questions about the relationship between the two. How then can Ibra guarantee anything? We still don’t know what his role really is. There were many articles including ones which indicated what his role was and still didn’t know what it was at the end of the day. The joint interview with Gerry did not help either. So far, I don’t see his imprint and it’s largely related to his role’s vagueness, but I’d give the benefit of the doubt for the future.
    And finally our beautiful “exciting” summer. Exciting is one way to describe that, worrying was another. I have an issue with both the quantity and quality of the signings. Quantity-wise it’s too much to integrate and have lofty expectations around. Many folks said this and were put down. Ironically those who were most excited about the signings turned out most angry at the table placement while the ones who were critical at first were more appreciative of how well they did (latter would include me). All of these signings and second place? Sign me up…pun intended lol 😂. The quality of the signings are in fits and spurts. The best was obviously Pulisic which again…never doubted the quality but the injury record. Same with RLC, who did ok. After that, lots of context around the evaluation. Jovic was out of shape and unfit for a good 6 months but still scored. Okafor also needed time. They’re both good squad players to have imo. So a plus there. Apart from that it goes downhill fast . Reijnders is ok but not impressive. There’s nothing in his game that stands out except maybe his passing but that’s pretty much it.
    Musah is not great imo but has time in his favour. I said before by playing so many positions, we know exactly where he can’t play and there are many positions (wing, defence). Shaky at DM, not great as a mezzala. Romero is unfortunate but I dont like that Moncada dismissed his own socuting work. And if I forgot any others then they were bad lol.
    The other issue is dressing up the summer signings as if they were that good. The articles pitched to make them seem better than they were by Faaaaaar outweighed any ones in the other direction. And that I didn’t like. We scored more than last year…ok that’s one measure of better. Another is goals conceded….but we don’t find many on those. Haven’t seen an article that we’ve conceded as many as last year and there’s two more games to go🤷‍♂️. And that’s why sometimes I’ve been more critical on the hype of the new signings because the positions taken on most sites are over skewed in their favour It’s one thing to compare (disingenuously imo) to last year knowing it was a particularly bad year and another to a more typical year, which in many cases is absent from analyses. For all intents and purposes, we were tracking exactly as well as last year until January when we had a decline in January. In fact we are tracking just as well in any other year with these new signings meaning there isn’t a level up from prior years, just a replacement and reversion to the typical year (go look at the Scudetto year and the year before, it’s similar goals for and against). The numbers on improvement are exaggerated imo and there were too much media hype around them and not enough objectivity when it came to that aspect (I don’t like to speculate as to why that happen but there was a sense of “see,this is much better than before” vibe… I’ll leave it there). As I’ve said before we’ve been made whole from previous year ie returned to the overall quality prior to last year.
    We had a better UCL run last year than this year…another measure of improvement but we dont exactly see those articles out, do we? And beating Slavia and Rennes is not the same as Tottenham and Napoli. That further, inflates the numbers in a non meaningful way. I also haven’t seen anything on the favoured signings Pulisic and RLC failing to perform against top teams, our Achilles heel this season. So in the preamble to the article about being objective in giving the highs and lows, with all due respect, it is by farrrrrrrr a pro-summer signings and pro-new management sentiment that prevails. There’s nothing wrong in being pro any of those two but the absence of the other side of the argument as I’ve mentioned above as well as meeting somewhere in the middle was missing for large parts and only sprouted later on in the season.
    Throwing out misleading and with all due respect again, false, stats like 70% of goals were from new signings add to the narrative that the signings somehow are more impressive than they actually are (we scored 95 goals of which 47 were new signings..for a 49% contribution rate…but that number doesn’t look impressive does it? I’ll post a separate comment on that part after). It’s these things that bother me because they gain enough traction that people think it’s true. And adds to the narrative as I’ve mentioned above and questions the objectivity motive.
    Anyways, all being said I still think we had a decent season given all the changes and have a good squad foundation. If we can ADD quality to the team to take us to the next level would be great. But this summer is going to be hugely important and I’m looking to see how the owners handle it this time around. The “new” management tagline should be gone as well and any lingering shadows from the old one. It’s all their moves now

    1. I think you and I have been on the same page for most of the season and agree with most of what you’ve said above.

      Where do you stand on Pioli?

      My own view was last summer was a chance to replace him to see if someone else could do more with that squad especially CDK.

      It now seems bizarre that we’re replacing him for improving on last season.

      It’s again one of those no-other-organisation-operates-like-that things – managers and CEOs aren’t usually sacked for improving results!

      1. “Where do you stand on Pioli?

        My own view was last summer was a chance to replace him to see if someone else could do more with that squad ”

        I had a similar post a few days ago. I agree they should have sacked him last year as he was also part of the decisions along with M&M and even the other M&F who still have a job. Those were collective decisions and he should have bowed out gracefully if he was also part of the failures that caused people their jobs
        But he’s also a good coach which is shown in the current standings. So now management have backed themselves into a corner….how can they guarantee the next coach does better than 2nd ie the Scudetto?….and the answer is they can’t. And believe me, ppl will look back and compare that second to whatever position we land on…just like we did when comparing to last year, unless of course we win the Scudetto. However, I do understand a change in direction if management wants to. We did fail at key points in the season and part of it is the coach. The other part that I’m not sure is if the quality of the squad is really there to push further along in certain competitions. Maybe it’s an illusion that the new coach will get the league results but do better in cup competitions but I’ve seen football long enough to know that it’s not so cut and dry. In fact I hope people are comfortable with 6th or 8th as they are thinking we’ll win the Copa Italia for instance or make quarters of the UCL. It’s the age old question of guarantee vs refresh/optimism. I’m noether here nor there though

    2. The comments are all over the place – praising the success of the signings but treating the season as a disaster. If the signings were as successful as people claim the manager wouldn’t be sacked.

      But I get the sentiment that’s similar to mine last summer – can the next guy do more with these players?

      The difference is that there are many more of ‘these players’ this time around. Whereas last summer there were question marks over CDK and obviously Origi, and probably a consensus we needed an improvement on the right, this summer we have far more challenges.

      We have no midfield to speak of. No DM. No AM. None of our midfielders are capable of controlling the game or showing any leadership.

      We also need a new CF.

      That is remarkable given we signed 3 midfielders and 2 strikers last summer.

      The areas that need fixing are the areas that we signed the players only last summer!

      1. “praising the success of the signings but treating the season as a disaster.”.

        That is a very apt take. How can we improve and have a terrible season at the same time. Oxym.oron of the year. I’m sure ppl would say we’ve improved on the players and squad …but who’s coaching them? Lol 😂.
        Here’s the other dilemma….suppose it’s Pioli that’s extracting the best out of Puli. Suppose his output falls with the next coach? All legit right? (once again, I hope ppl are prepared for that). So is it players or coach or imo it’s both.
        On the signings, like I said quantity. I forgot to mention functionality. Puli was definitely functional. Musah wasn’t , Tiji.. somewhat. RLC? I don’t even know…even after a whole season. I look across at Inter and their recruitment is stellar, almost no fat…all players functional to the game they play.
        And yes….wheres the DM after all those signings lol 😂

        1. Interesting point about Puli.

          If Pioli is the man who got Puli’s career back on track after Chelsea then we could definitely see a decline.

          We could also see other certainties struggle – Theo (low risk) and Leao (higher risk particularly with the pressure he’s under).

          It’s all an unknown of course.

          I’d take a top 4 finish by a new manager to set him up for the following season.

          I think the one thing that is driving so much of the comments is simply a desire for change. That’s why they give more of the benefit of the doubt to new signings than established players and the coach.

          It’ll be interesting to see if we have a slow start. I doubt many will express regret or acknowledge they were wrong.

  15. Just to add to that as I already have TLDR:

    These are the stats as of now:

    (based on fbref)
    ————————-G——A —–G+A
    Serie A ————–72—–54—–126
    UCL——————-5——-5 ——10
    Copa Italia———5——-4——–9


    New signings
    Serie A————34–——19 —–53
    UCL —————– 3 ——–1 ——4
    Copa Italia———2 ——–1 ——3
    Europa ———— 8——— 1 ——9

    Total ————— 47—— 23—–70

    % New Signings 49%—-31%—-41%

    New signings have contributed overall 41% of all goals AND assists.
    This makes sense. We play a 4231, so our biggest offensive contributors would be the pivots and the 4 forwards plus Theo making 7. We replaced as starters 3(Deers, RLC, Puli) out of the 7 or 43%. So naturally they’d make up around the same approx 40% of the offense…..which they did. That to me is not surprising

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