Sky: Negotiations in final stages as Milan outcast Maldini will join Monza – the latest

By Isak Möller -

Daniel Maldini is just one step away from joining Monza, according to the latest reports. This time, however, it will not be a loan – which was the case last season – as the attacking midfielder will leave AC Milan on a permanent basis. 

The 22-year-old spent the second half of the 2023-24 campaign on loan at Monza and impressed with four goals. Adriano Galliani immediately flagged his interest in keeping the 22-year-old permanently and it seems an agreement has now been reached.

According to Sky Italia this evening, the negotiations are in the final stages as Maldini ‘will’ join Monza on a permanent basis.  Nothing was said about the transfer fee, but since the player’s contract will expire next year, it’s believed that it could be around €5m or so.

Maldini impressed in the friendly against Rapid Wien last weekend and most were expecting to see the Italian during the pre-season tour in the US as well. He even travelled with the team earlier today but will have to make a swift return to Italy, by the looks of it.

Milan will surely reinvest the money on the mercato, but the fans are getting a bit frustrated amid the lack of signings so far.

Tags AC Milan Daniel Maldini Monza


  1. Thank God. Good riddance. Daniel Maldini is a mediocre player with a low ceiling. He was only given the opportunities he got at Milan because of his last name. Nobody, NOBODY would have cared for him if his last name were different.

    I greatly respect his father, but Daniel is not Paolo.

    1. Actually nothing of that is true. If you watched him last half season in Monza you would seen that he is going to have bright future. He is quite talented but well people who are responsible for club have different plans.

      1. I did watch him, even in person at Monza. Hey, that was… Monza! In the land of the blind, people with one eye are kings.

        Daniel Maldini is mediocre. He scored 4 goals for Monza, that’s not impressive. He is NOT quite talented. He is just a so-so player with a big last name.

        1. Reijnders scored 4 goals in full season for Milan. Chuk our most expensive buy with one year left on Vilarreal contract scored 1 goal in full season.

          That’s impressive.

          1. Reijnders who played as the lowest of midfielders in a defense role in a new league scored 4 goals versus an attacker who has already played in Italy all his life? I wonder who did better… 😀 😀 😀

          2. @bb really? Go check Reijnders heatmap from last season and see if he really played “lowest of midfielders in a defense role”.

            And it’s not like Maldini played as a starter in Serie A either.

      1. With your chosen screen name, it’s not surprising that you’re defending Daniel Maldini, Maldini’s Heir. But you are mistaken. Daniel has one tenth of the talent of his father. Just having a last name Maldini doesn’t guarantee outstanding football talent.

        Yes, I’m lovely, because I am seeing this situation the right way.

        Regarding your last comment, your generalization holds no truth.

        1. Nor Milan is at the level of 2000’s .
          Whats your point?

          You have never seen Daniel 1full season, but you take a side of mediocrity already.

          Not every player has to be level of Paolo Maldini to play for Milan.

          Who knows he can become better than all attacking midfielders than players in Milan.

          But its sure all the toxicity people showkng against him, Monza is better for him

        2. I have chosen that name because I played in the same position and he was my hero.

          My statement isn’t a generalisation.

          If Calabria and Pobega get sold, and we sign a CB, Milan will be starting next season without a single player from our youth team in the starting line up.

          Calabria was one of the few players to ‘make it’ and it was entirely by accident because Conti got injured.

          Gabbia has come back but the club seem desperate to undermine him by signing another CB.

          Italy has failed to qualify for every World Cup since 2010.

          So it’s not even exclusively a Milan problem.

          We have the worst youth development out of the top 5 leagues as evidenced from the fact that Spain, Germany, England and France have all done far better in international tournaments (apart from 2021 of a course when Italy won without a single then current Milan player (but 6 of our former players)).

          Do you not question why we have such an appalling record in developing our youth player or do you just put it down to nobody ever being good enough?

          1. Your statement is a generalization. You pretend that we don’t develop and promote to the first team any young player (that’s where the generalization lies). This is blatantly false, as seen with Donnarumma, Gabbia, Colombo, Pobega, and currently with Camarda, Zeroli, Bartesaghi, Jimenez, and Liberali.

        3. But none of them are in our starting 11 and we’re soon to be left with just one in the entire first team squad (who was another accident after Gabbia came back during an injury crisis).

          In fact an injury crisis is pretty much the only way youth team players are think a chance and even then the club works tirelessly to undermine them.

          They threw 5 strikers at Cutrone before finally giving up and selling him.

          Why are you defending this failure?

    2. He have talent there but still raw. His long shot & free kick are better than ACM player. His father also can teach him how to help defense making him all round midfield balancing in atack and defense. It is better if ACM have buy back clause for daniel

      1. That was the hope, a while ago, but Daniel has failed to fulfill that hope, and he is not that young any longer. So, his father can teach him? He would have learned by now. There is a reason why Milan is no longer looking at loaning him, but rather, wants to sell him for good: it’s because he is not good enough to play for Milan’s first team, and his ceiling is low. He won’t be improving any longer, so there is no point in loaning him and waiting for a hypothetical improvement that will never happen.

        1. Reijnders scored 4 goals in full season for Milan. Chuk our most expensive buy with one year left on Vilarreal contract scored 1 goal in full season. Really impressive.

          Saying Maldini is not young anymore but Musah who is only a year younger needs more time because he’s raw talent?

          Come on. You people are so biased to the point that’s unbearably cringy.

          1. Whats clingy is your obsession with Reijnders.
            Reijnders scored 4 goals, Reijnders scored 4 goals. Like a parrot.
            Barella scored 2 goals. Very impressive. He was named serie A best midfielder.
            Musah has experience as a starter at a professional club like Valencia since he was 18. Daniel at 23 has 0 experience as a starter even at a relegation team.
            Desperate attempts to make silly comparisons.

          2. @🔴⚫️

            “Musah has experience as a starter at a professional club like Valencia since he was 18. Daniel at 23 has 0 experience as a starter even at a relegation team.”

            Exactly my point. So why are you treating Musah like a “raw talent that needs time”? You’re just contradicting yourself chap.

            And don’t be so butthurt, I know it’s a tough pill to swallow but these are the facts.

          3. When did I say anything about Musah??? Straw man. I haven’t commented on Chuk either. Still, while Chuk took a while to adapt, his last several games were excellent (until the late season injury). I expect that he will do very well this coming season. I do NOT expect that Daniel will do very well this coming season. He has a low ceiling.

            Reijnders has atrocious finishing. I’ve always said he needs to improve that. However, he has other qualities and in many, many games he was our best midfielder.

            Has Maldini ever been our best in any game?

        2. What are basing this assessment on since Maldini (like every other youth player you mentioned) has barely played?

          You’re guessing.

          And when you’re guessing your starting point is to take a glass half empty approach to our youth players.

          If in doubt assume they’re not at ‘Milan level’.

          Whereas new signings the benefit of doubt. Not just from you but everyone.

          If a youth player made the mistakes Thiaw made they’d be finished.

          If a youth player put in the performances of Musah they’d be finished.

          This is a constant theme that’s been going on for over a decade. A decade where Italy hasn’t qualified for a World Cup.

          Which you seem to not only accept but reject any attempt to change it.

  2. Sad :/

    Hope he can have a good career regardless and maybe just maybe one day join his blood again and make an impact! Good luck Kid

  3. Sounds about right unfortunately. Colombo will follow too. Then Adli. Pobega in swap. Florenzi.

    Eventually Calabria will leave for free too as Milan won’t renew him at higher wages.

      1. Worse the person whose job it is is to develop youth players and get them ready for the first team has a success rate of zero.

        You wonder why they get out of bed in the morning.

        1. Success rate of zero? Have you ever heard of Camarda, Zeroli, Bartesaghi, Liberali, and Jimenez?

          Hint: they are youth players being developed at Milan, and all five have already played with the first team.

          1. I think a lad called Dollarrumma was developed in Milan too. But he won’t probably count either as that would render the point useless.

  4. So Monza sold their 2 best players Di Gregorio and Colpani, lost their coach Palladino, and they are replacing them with Nesta as a coach and Sensi+Daniel Maldini. They are a relegation team next season.

  5. Full all they know is to sell there young players. They are not signing any one . Only what they do. Is to sign 31 years old players . And sell they own so cheap . And no any team want sign there own. Old players.. and no any team that want to sell for them. Any of there young players. Bastard club

    1. What the hell is this dude talking about! If yiu don’t know anything about the transfer market, hush and concern yourself with your Nigerian protest politics!

  6. Good sale.

    Youngsters from Milan school with potential = pure capital gain.

    Now; Saelemaekers, Adli, Pobega with Balo Toure and Origi to go…

    1. Yes it is good like you said, but it will be better if we sell our players for better money, or make some percentage from future sell like with Simic or now Brescanini (where we get around 50% from 12m price)… 3m€ from Simic and 4m€ for Maldini is not good .. Like with Aubameyang, when we sell him for 1,8m€ to ST. Etienne and we now what price and career he has…it is good to make profit from our players, but for better price, these 7m€ from sell of two players is nothing..

      1. Not all players are on same level and not everyone are going to sign new contract and be backup.

        Simic and Maldini both had 1 year of contract. So that’s why they are on discount.

        We have Colombo on longer contract. But he is not in great level to sell him easily on 10+ million option.

        They need time to create much stronger players in Primavera and now Futuro.

  7. Good idea, sell our youngsters for dirt cheap and buy some kid in South America who no one ever heard of like Pellegrino. Maldini scored in his debut start for Milan against Spezia, scored in his first debut for Spezia against Milan in San Siro, scored the winner against inter. Last season, he scored four goals in 326 minutes for Monza ( one of which was a free kick screamer) while the legend Chukwueze scored one goal in serie a in 1000 minutes. I think the keeper let Maldini scores because they are fan boys of his dad. It makes since, mediocre player who only plays because of his last name

    1. Agree with this. There’s a time when Daniel was considered the one that possessed the biggest talent in Milan by the likes of Leao etc. The potential is all there. It’s only the matter of chance and the right kind of environment.

      We all read one of the good things about Fonseca is that he’s able to develop young players. And we hope that it’ll come from our own academy players. Not just random names from French and Belgian league.

    2. 4 goals for… MONZA!!!! is not very impressive. Like I said, in the land of the blind, the one-eyed person is king. While Daniel Maldini can occasionally produce a good play, his overall record is mediocre.

      If Daniel Maldini’s name was Daniel Rossi or something, nobody here would be lamenting that we are selling this mediocre player instead of loaning him again. You loan a player when you think he has a high ceiling and will improve. When you loan a player and he fails to show significant improvement, then you seek to sell him. That’s what happened.

      1. When someone says buy back means its not loan.
        Please read the text carefully.

        No one is saying he should be starter but he never got a chance to play regularly in any team.

        Mostly minutes he played in Monza he scored 4goals by just coming off from bench.(like jovic scored 9goals)

        1. Please read ME more carefully. I never said that it was a loan, this time. What’s your point? He is being sold because we have figured that he has reached his ceiling, is mediocre, and won’t further improve. We are right about selling him.

      2. 4 goals in 326 minutes is mediocre! Wow
        This is 0.81 per game which is the highest g/m in serie an equaled to what Lautaro scored last season. But you are right, he should have become the Capocannoniere in just 326 minutes and change his last name to Maldinho to get your recognition

        1. He scored for Monza. Big deal. Like I said many times here in this very thread, in the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king. As they don’t have anybody better, they pass the ball to him; eventually he will score. At Milan, however, he didn’t do much. I think he scored once.

          Are you actually comparing mediocre Maldini with outstanding Lautaro? LOL. OK. I don’t think that after you said that, it is worth to continue to respond to you. Have a nice life.

  8. I don’t like this move. He’s not going to be a regular starter. The club needs academy and Italian players for the uefa list. This makes him very useful for the squad.
    He also can play most positions in the front line.

    1. There are numerous other young and BETTER Italian players at Milan. Camarda, Zeroli, Bartesaghi, Gabbia, Liberali, etc.

      It’s been said the way the Serie C rules are for Milan Futuro, most of these players can play on occasion for the first team, before a certain number of appearances is reached. This will be carefully managed, to keep eligibility. We don’t need mediocre Daniel Maldini for this.

  9. It goes to show the extent of the clown world that the big European clubs and and most of their fans operate in.

    Maldini will be sold to make way for Samardzic. Milan fans will tell themselves it’s okay because Maldini is not ‘Milan standard’ which was most recently a thing 15 years ago. They will embrace Samardzic because they think of the sport in terms of football manager games and also because they think that spending money on someone makes him Milan standard.

    No one watches either player. But Samardzic is considered great because he caught Maignan off guard, from outside the box, within minutes of the game being paused because Mike was subjected to racial abuse. I’ve heard Samardzic described as box to box. That’s a hilarious claim. He’s a talent, no doubt, but he is an AM and we’re playing a 4-3-3.

    Maldini will outperform Samardzic and RLC combined. The narrative will then become that it’s easier for Maldini (to carry Monza’s attack minus Colpani and Carboni) and that it doesn’t matter anyway because he’s not Milan standard as though he is an incompatible bit of software.

    If Samardzic is really bad he’ll get replaced and the Milan fans will look forward to the purchase of the next Milan standard player (likely while they everyone themselves Liberali is not good enough).

  10. And this happens at the time €20m is to be spent on Emerson Royal, the Milan standard player?!

    I wish people understood the extent to which they have been conned into acceptance of money laundering operations. Money laundered into the back accountants of agents, CEOs, directors, all defrauding the people whose money and participation makes the laundering possible. I suppose we should be happy that they are doing it without the loss of life, unlike what has been happening in Ukraine for the last decade.

    It’s a strange business that demands the purchase of expensive operating equipment that can’t even do the job as well as that which the business already has.

    1. Even tho you are quite negative and I can understand that. I agree with you that Samardzic is waste of money when you have talented players like Maldini.

      Maldini won some many points for Monza last season and in match which ended 2:1 he scored a goal and hit the post from same exact position.

      I just hope Maldini shines and hopefully we will see him again in Milan kit in the near future.

    2. Put down the conspiracy theory.

      Now, regarding Emerson Royal, you are right. Apparently Fonseca is a big fan. I’m not. Fonseca had mentioned that he wanted Emerson, weeks before being officially hired by Milan. I do not understand why we’re spending money on this bum Royal and not putting that money towards whatever Monaco is asking for Fofana. However, this has nothing to do with money laundering. It has to do with our mediocre head coach Fonseca being a poor judge of talent and for some strange reason, in love with Emerson Royal.

  11. Daniel make an assist last friendly game, fonseca didnt see his talent ?? Poor management that they only sign average player from nowhere like romero or pellegrino and the struggle chukwueze… So sad..

    1. That would make it a typical preseason friendly.

      Have you not seen the past 15 pre-seasons?

      It’s an opportunity for players with no future at the club to get match practice in whilst the management focus on the more important job of gambling on the transfer market.

      1. People in the comments think with their emotions, if anything this move makes sense for daniel since he won’t get any substantial playing time if he stays in milan.

        1. What emotions?

          Is this not what has occurred every single pre-season?

          Pointless friendlies because most of the starting players don’t stay at the club whilst the club scrambles around making last minute decisions on the transfer market.

          Of course Maldini and most other youth players won’t get a chance in our squad because we have about 30 first team players.

          Our squad’s bigger than that of Man City and Real Madrid.

          But keep accepting mediocrity and chaos.

          1. We are trying to trim it down. Origi, the bum that your idol purchased (one of the worst acquisitions Milan has ever made; thank you Paolo!), is being encouraged to rescind his contract. We are trying to unload Pobega, Adli, Thiaw the gaffe machine, Origi, Saelemaekers, and others, and are unloading / have unloaded CDK, Colombo and Simic.

  12. Maldini is a homegrown player and has bright potential at 22, but keeping him with limited appearances is only holding him back, not good for him. With one year left in the contract it’s a fair sale to at least capitalize some cash. and if he flourishes and sold to a high price Milan will still receive some percentage.
    With him leaving, there is a slot for a younger/primavera player to be inducted into the team’s register, and the cycle continues.

    1. Bright potential? He was given several opportunities to play with Milan’s first team and never amounted to much; if I remember correctly, scored only one goal for Milan (maybe two?). At 18 or 19 or 20, maybe we’d wait for his potential to develop. At 22? He is getting a bit long in the tooth and that hope for great talent to emerge has faded, which is why he is being sold rather than loaned again.

  13. People in the comments think with their emotions, if anything this move makes sense for daniel since he won’t get any substantial playing time if he stays in milan.

  14. Folks will say he scored 4 goals for Monza. That was in half of his season there.

    But folks will conveniently forget that Reijnders scored 4 goals in full season for Milan with the likes of Theo, Leao, Puli next to him. Yet Reijnders is our Dutch wizard and Maldini is an average nepo kid.

    Chuk our most expensive buy with one year left on Vilarreal contract scored 1 goal in full season.

    Folks here will say Maldini is not young anymore but will defend that Musah is a raw talent and needs more time but is only a year younger than Maldini.


    1. “But folks will conveniently forget that Reijnders scored 4 goals in full season for Milan with the likes of Theo, Leao, Puli next to him. Yet Reijnders is our Dutch wizard and Maldini is an average nepo kid. ”

      What’s next? Comparing the attacking stats of Maldini against MM16? Mike has had only 2 or 3 assists in Milan during his whole career while Maldini assisted the same in Monza playing as a striker?

      Perhaps compare the goals by Tomori and Maldini? I think Tomori scored 3 as a f’ng CB and while out injured for months. Does that make Tomori a great attacker?

      1. It would be all much more clear and simple for you if you’d only go and check the heatmap of Reijnders from last season. Not sure? Compare it with Maldini’s heatmap and be amazed😲

        You just like to ride the fabricated fact that poor Reijnders had to play a defensive role. Sorry to spoil it for you.

      1. In order to have a discussion on scored goals remark between Reijnders and Maldini, one must first understand the context. You don’t.

        1. Reijnders is a poor scorer with bad aim and poor finishing but has other qualities, and is a WAY better player than Daniel Maldini; was often our best midfielder in many games. Have you seen how he played for the Netherlands this recent Euro? He was one of their best players. What has Daniel Maldini accomplished? Does he play as a starter for his national team? NOPE!!! He wasn’t even called up, while Reijnders is an absolute starter for the Netherlands. This, despite the Netherlands currently having a much better national team than Italy, unfortunately.

          Looking at D. Maldini and Reijnders, you might understand that goals scored are not the only stat in a player’s performance. Exactly, this is a great example. Daniel Maldini scored 4 goals for Monza (LOL!) and Reijnders scored 4 for AC Milan (a much better team than Monza) and while the number of season goals is the same, Reijnders is a far better player than D. Maldini, proving that goals scored are not all.

          1. Chill man, I’m giving you simple facts with numbers, don’t be so butthurt.

            And yes Maldini scored 4 in HALF a season playing with average and below par teammates while Reijnders scored 4 in FULL season playing with stars like Theo, Leao, Pulisic. According to you one is considered the second coming of Cruyff and the other is a nepotism child because of his last name.

            And saying Reijnders is an absolute starter. Yes, when you have players like Koopmeiners and De Jong on injury list. Also, what exactly did Reijnders show on Euros? 6 matches, 0 goals, 0 assists.

            I’m not even saying anywhere that one is better than the other but Maldini is not as bad as you lot are trying to portrait him while Reijnders is not as good as you are desperately trying to portrait.

        2. I am the one who doesn’t understand the context? LOL. Are you one of those kids who play FIFA videogame and think that stats like goals and assists are all when you are gauging a player like Reijnders??? OK, he had zero goals and zero assists for the Netherlands, but was a creative force and one of their best players on the pitch, controlling the game and its tempo, game after game in the Euro. YOU are the one who doesn’t understand context.

          You praise Maldini for scoring for… MONZA!!! LOL!!! And you think I’m the one without context. Look, Monza sucks. They don’t have anybody good so eventually they will pass the ball to Maldini. Eventually he will score. Got lucky a few times. That’s about it.

          Now, get Maldini to play for the context of Milan’s first team. What did he do there? ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!!! How is that, for context???

          You picked another player with 4 goals, Reijnders, to make your point. They play different positions and Reijnders is an EXCELLENT midfielder. His aim and finishing when trying to score is not good but he has many other qualities. If you are so big with context, see if you can compare apples to apples for a change, instead of apples to oranges.

          Hey, why don’t you compare Maldini to Mike Maignan? Guess what, Mike has NEVER scored a goal for Milan (although he managed some assists). So, it means that Maldini is a much better player than Mike, because Maldini scored one goal for Milan and four for Monza, right? LOL.

          And I’m the one who doesn’t understand context?

          Look, kid, go back you your videogame. I’m done with you. Have a nice life.

          1. Before you get a heart attack, read again. That with context wasn’t a response to you but to YellowDurp667.

            But since you’re so desperate for attention, you’re without a context too. I explained you everything already regarding heatmap and stats in other comments but you’re just running in circles and wasting tine in jibberish now when you’re out of arguments. But if it makes you feel better, please continue with your irrational rant🍿

  15. People need to realize that 99% of our youth players will not make it into the first team. Milan need every player to be potentially best in the league at their position. If that’s not in the cards for the player, there’s no point in keeping him. That was the story with Simic, and that’s the story here. We have one youth player where all the hype is 100% real and that’s Camadra. Everyone else most likely does not have a future in our team

    1. It’s not just Camarda. Zeroli, Bartesaghi, Liberali, and Jimenez all have a future in our team.

      Now that we have Milan Futuro in Serie C, you’ll see that we will better develop the youngsters, and some of them will make it into the first team.

      1. Only time will tell mate, but we need to understand that Milan need the best serie a player in every position. That’s where we need to be aiming to

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