Sky: Milan seek agreement with Pioli and staff due to €11.5m potential costs

By Oliver Fisher -

AC Milan want to try and find an agreement with Stefano Pioli and his staff over a severance package in order to try and save some money, a report claims.

The feeling is that Pioli will coach Milan for the final time on Saturday night at San Siro against the already relegated Salernitana, but given that he has a year left on his deal there are still things to work out regarding the exact details of his exit.

Speaking to Sky this afternoon, Emaneuele Baiocchini gave an from outside Casa Milan regarding the future of Pioli and Milan’s hunt for a new head coach.

He reports that Pioli’s contract plus that of his staff costs Milan €11.5m gross on the accounts, and therefore the management to at least try to find an agreement regarding the early termination of his deal.

If they were to sack him then he would be entitled to the full amount for the last year of his deal whereas severance could mean he gets a percentage of that, until he gets another job.

The official announcement of the new coach could arrive a few days after Pioli’s farewell, which will be at the weekend. There is also the game in Australia to consider, against Roma in Perth.

It is likely that after the trip to Australia Milan will officially announce who will be the coach for the next season and ‘barring any surprises it will be Paulo Fonseca’ per the journalist.

Tags AC Milan Stefano Pioli


  1. Management: “Hey thanks for overachieving with completely new but ill constructed team. However we will sack you anyways and would like to ask if you can just sign here that you’re giving up your severance pay, that would be great”

    Pioli: “no”

    Management: pikachu face😮

    1. Over achieving! 😂
      What about last season? Did he over achieved with the no new players when he finished 5th?
      He over achieved in 21/22, I’ll give him that, but this season he under achieved. If it wasn’t for Juventus totally collapsing and Napoli having the worst title defense ever, beating Milan worst title defense ever last year, Milan would have finished lower on tge table.
      This is what Pulisic said about the over achiever Pioli:
      “I can think that we faced these matches without the right organisation, we didn’t always defend in the right way, perhaps the strategy wasn’t perfect, we became vulnerable, leaving the defensive phase exposed due to the desire to always attack.”

        1. How do you defend?
          Go see where RLC played for Chelsea and where the over achiever Pioli played him.
          Also, Pulisic is talking about the strategy and no the personnel. Don’t forget that the no midfield support although you spent 60 million on it was done with Pioli as one of the people involved in the process. He wanted to play 433, they bought him players for 433 and then he switched it back to 4231.

          1. Well it’s what you get when you buy players who know how to run a straight line with a ball. And they do it extraordinarily by the way. Especially Musah. Now there’s a Forrest Gump in the making.

          2. What kind of a player Tonali was? A player that only knows how to run in a straight line with the ball. Same kind of players Theo and Leao are, straight line with the ball, especially Theo. That’s why Milan sucks when teams sit back.
            The only midfielders over the last 5 years that we had that can actually pass the ball and not just run and push people were Hakan, Bonaventura and Paqueta. Players that Pioli didn’t know how to use because he only knows how to make players press and run in a straight line on the counter attack.
            CDK isn’t a player that can just run in a straight line with the ball and what happened, the over achiever didn’t know how to use him.
            From the coaches that are mentioned to be Milan’s next coach I like some more than the others but I will take each and every one of them over Pioli.

          3. Well at least we did not let in 46 goals (and counting) with the likes of Tonali, Krunic, Bennacer in the midfield. So it wasn’t only running, it was defending as well. Something this new 60 million midfield are yet to understand and learn because right now we have 3rd worst goal condeded statistics in 21st century.

        2. Because in losing Tonali and Kessie that’s 100m+ worth of midfielders, not to mention being without Bennacer most of the season. Completely new midfield which was often effective. Still not offering enough solid defensive cover though.

      1. He’s not under achieved by my reckoning, he’s about on par.

        – 2nd in the league and comfortably ahead of all apart from inter, including teams with no European football like Juventus, slight over-achievement

        – 3rd in CL group with by far the lowest wage bill, narrowly beaten by two eventual semi-finalists, slight over-achievement

        – Losing to Roma badly was the main underachievement IMO

        But we’ve seen nearly all new players this year integrate well, even Chukwueze looked productive by the end despite looking very out of form and fitness when arriving. For me, he’s had a decent if not spectacular, season.

        1. Yes, it is the underachievement in pivotal moments (vs Roma at Europa League) that became his downfall.

      2. Pioli finished twice second once he won the league and once fifth and he got us to the semi final of champions league. I do believe that his time is over given the way Milan has been playing the past 2 months but give this guy some credit. He did overachieve in 3 of his 4 full seasons. People here think our squad is full of champions lol. This Milan will probably finish second or even third/fourth next season maybe than you will realize we don’t have that of a strong squad!

  2. More neck than giraffe….
    I’ve always been critical of Mr Pioli but this management want to sack him but re-adjust his contract to suit themselves…..!
    Show the man some respect and honour the contract, Mr Cardinale, please.

    1. Every club does this with fired coaches. If Pioli wants to coach next season he would have to agree to severance pay, if he doesn’t want to coach then he can stay home for a year and collect his whole salary.
      You are not going to pay a coach his whole salary to coach another team. And he has gotten way more respect from ownership than he deserves.

  3. The media is completely grasping at straws at this point. The emotionally unregulated among the fanbase are losing their grip on things. They can’t accept that the most logical and probably economical move here is to let Pioli’s contract run out, which is perhaps unfortunate, but makes sense considering a new coach will have a hard time producing results the fanbase can collectively agree are a resounding success. This is because the only thing we can and will accept for next year as a resounding success is the league title or a European one.

    Management might very well be thinking: priotize buying the 3 world class or near world class players we need (or even just 1 world class and 2-3 less proven players) for CB, CM/DM, and ST, and let Pioli finish his contract to save as much money as possible and to allow the Milan players to flow into next season with continuity instead of experiencing a complete overhaul.

  4. Pay the dude and be done with him – cheers all the best but we don’t want you managing next season, thank you very much…

  5. ..and then our great generous president w/ his super smart directors need to sell under-perform Theo to pay huge release-fee for greedy betrayer Pioli.
    we fans must feel lucky to walk behind their guidance.

  6. Pioli ayudó al resurgimiento del Milán, como sea, incluso a_pesar del mismo Pioli, terminó su ciclo, gracias, ahora se dice, comenta y rumora que el Nápoles quiere a Pioli, gracias al Milán, el quiere su indemnización? No lo sé, lo que si recuerdo es a Gattuso cuando le recindieron el contrato y no acepto nada dijo “no es cuestión de dinero, es el Milán”…

  7. They want to sacked him but can’t even pay 11.5 million for him and his staff? Holy f. Gerry, Furlani, and the new management are fkin garbage.

  8. If Olivier and kjear are leaving, Mike is having issues with contract, it will be a wrong move to sack the coach at this point. Who will be the leader (s) in the team. Especially when you have players who have just started integrating into the team. Also, there is no big (mentality) coach currently being linked with Milan.

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