Sky journalist outlines Milan’s vision for striker signing and suggests Atalanta star

By Oliver Fisher -

Sky journalist Peppe Di Stefano has given an interesting update on AC Milan’s search for a centre-forward, with Rasmus Hojlund’s name put forward.

Di Stefano spoke during a segment on Sky and he discussed the many rumours related to the striker role that Milan are expected to make a big investment in during the summer, with his comments relayed on Twitter.

“The policy seems clear to me: Milan will sign a player around the €20m, €25m, €30m range. They do not want to, cannot and it is not in the club’s policy to spend €90m like [Juventus did with] Vlahovic. They want a player with top potential that can become even stronger, like Leao. I’ll give a name: Hojlund,” he said.

Hojlund has actually been linked with Milan over the last few weeks, as has virtually every young striker around Europe. The 20-year-old Dane has an impressive 15 goals and six assists in 40 appearances across all competitions for Atalanta.

He is young, physical and has an eye for goal, qualities which might make Paolo Maldini and Ricky Massara reach out to their Lombardy neighbours at the end of the season.

Tags AC Milan Rasmus Hojlund


  1. Atalanta will never let him go for wt we can afford. Even if there’s a player swap, it would take 3 or 4 to make up the difference.

    He is a great wish, but not a real option in my mind.

    Would be great if I was wrong.

    1. I agree he will end up getting sold for 50-60 mil or something. As a dane i would be intrigued to see him in red and black but unfortunately its tnext to impossible to see it happen,

      1. I have fond memories of Jon Dahl Tomasson and I always though he was sold prematurely. It was ironically more of a reflection of the sheer quality of Milan’s other strikers at the time (Sheva, Inzaghi, Crespo) than it was on his ability. What days those were!

          1. generally im not too crazy about milan having too many danes as theres a risk i would start hating them in the national team but i always liked both tomasson and helveg. Jon is the all time top scorer for denmark if i recollec right t and helveg was a pretty tenacious rb both for milan and denmark. Funny enough he was actually sold to inter in a combined deal but if i remember correvtly ended up still playing for milan for some time. Also he was part of the OB team that beat real madrid on their own soil which meant they exited the uefa cup in the early to mid 90ies.
            Milan had actually tried to sign martin jørgensen as wel from that udinese team but they didnt succeed at the time and he eventually ended up in fiorentina instead.

          2. I must have surpressed that memory but now you say it i dimmers a bit We also lost aganst ifk gothenburg 0-1 at home after we beat them 4-0 away with 4 van basten goals and one of them being his great bycyle kick.
            Rosenborg had a pretty good team in those years though as they where a constant in cl for 10 years or something i remember correctly.

      2. I agree, 21 points in 40 games, to a domestic rival on top of that, at the age of 20, no chance he goes for 30 or even 40 million. This is a pipe dream from the journalist, or he clearly had column space to fill while looking to be quoted to give himself some visibility. Impossible he comes for those figures.

        We paid 32 million for a 20 year old who scored 18 goals in the Belgian league. Miles behind ours, selling to a foreign club. That in itself is merit for Atalanta to double their request for a proven player in our league at top level.

        1. I think its generally always good being suspicous of all transfer rumors as most of it is nothing but make believe.

          Yeah its difficult to believe that we woud be able to strike a deal for him at this point of time. I think if atalanta qualifies for cl then he propably will stay and if they doesnt he will be allowed to leave but certainly not for small money when there is great interest around in europe.

      3. Martin damskard are good winger too. For now Rasmuss only dream for AC Milan . Max spend for one player in AC Milan i think 35m euro

        1. Mikkel Damsgaard is deffently an interesting player as well but he would most likely cost 25 mil or something and thats too much for a player who most likely woud become a substitute for us.
          Yeah i doubt milan will pay more than 35 for any players and maybe not even that much,
          I wouldnt mind us buying Joakim Maehle either but his preferred position is the left back but can also play at the right side. He has been rather crazy prolific for the national team but less for atalanta.

  2. You buy unproven ( in 5 top league europe) young player false nine from belgium league for 35m euro and you want to get proven striker for 20-30m euro ? . Even we give atalanta 20m euro + CDK , im not sure atalanta will accept that. Atalanta DS & scout always find good talent while AC Milan ended with CDK & iorigoat, now how to sell this two ? CDK 0 goal,Origoat 2 goal statistic

    1. I agree, there’s at least 3 to 4 decent youngsters we can get from Salzburg, if budget is an issue. They would fit perfectly into this project. And they have UCL experience under their belts.

  3. Can we just comment on the topic and leave CDK alone, he had a bad season and trying to settle down, let give the lad one more season then we can judge, Leao was on his third season when he explode and everyone now loves him same as Diaz.
    So if this Hojlund will be ideal then let go for him, he understands Italian league but I hope Pioli will get the best of of him if he comes.

  4. I have watched Joking very well
    The guy is very good
    But am not sure if we can afford him
    We should let CDK out of this issue, the guy did not even start the pre-season with we leave him till next season before we judge him. We should use Tonali as an example.

  5. We can outbid and out-attract players when we are up against teams like Atalanta. What we can’t do, and dont have the financial muscle to do, is bully these same clubs into releasing players cheaply once they already own them. By this stage the whole of Europe wants them and we don’t stand a chance.

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