Sky journalist sheds light on ‘terrible’ period for Milan and planning for the future

By Oliver Fisher -

Sky journalist Peppe Di Stefano has shed some light on the mood surrounding the AC Milan squad after last night’s defeat against Inter, as well as the hunt for a new head coach.

There are now five games left until the end of the season for Milan, who have keeping second place in the standings as their only remaining goal of 2023-24, given that they are out of every competition.

It is therefore time to start planning the future at Casa Milan, something that Gerry Cardinale has started to do in the last few days which he spent in Italy after the Europa League defeat against Roma last week.

Peppe Di Stefano spoke on Sky (via Radio Rossonera) and he gave an update on the sombre mood at Milanello today and what the next steps are for a Milan team and a club who can only really look to the future.

“It is clearly the saddest day of Milan’s entire season. Yesterday what the Rossoneri fans would not have wanted happened. Milan lost their sixth consecutive derby, they lost it at home and saw Inter celebrate,” he said.

“A few too many red card and just now the sporting judge’s report has arrived. Milan will have a decimated defence for the next match against Juventus.

“In addition to Theo Hernandez and Calabria, disqualified after the expulsion, Fikayo Tomori will not be there either, who was one yellow from suspension and received a yellow card.

“Today is a rest day for Milan, already decided before yesterday’s match. Regardless of the result, it was therefore decided to give the team a day off which seems more appropriate than ever, because they need to calm down.

“The last 10/15 days have been terrible. Milan lost the three big matches of the season: Roma first leg, Roma return leg and derby. In between they drew against Sassuolo. Now all that remains is to end a season in the best possible way which certainly won’t be among the unforgettable ones.

“There will be a Milan that will work at Milanello to prepare for the last five matches and there will be a Milan that will work here at Casa Milan to plan the future. Clearly it will not be linked to Stefano Pioli, but will be linked to a new coach.

“We already have the identikit. Now we need to understand which names are eligible, which ones the management likes and in particular the owner of Milan Gerry Cardinale, who until the last few hours was here in Milan not only to watch the derby but also to make the first decisions on Milan for the next one year.”

Tags AC Milan


  1. I’ve been following AC Milan from abroad for over 60 years – since the days of Cesare Maldini and Gianni Rivera. Then the Rossoneri were serious protagonists at the highest levels in Europe, and of course later, in the Berlusconi era of the late 80s, early 90s, and the mid-noughties, they ruled the world. AC Milan epitomized Italian footballing genius, power, and class. Supplemented by brilliant players from other countries, they were aristocrats of the beautiful game – garnering the admiration of fans all over the world. I’m afraid the Rossoneri have now become a pale shadow of their former selves. I respect Gerry Cardinale – a man of great intelligence and financial acumen – but until he addresses the fundamental cause of AC Milan’s decline – the huge and growing disparity in TV rights revenues between the EPL and other European leagues – the Rossoneri are unlikely ever again to dine at Europe’s top table. Instead, Serie A – once hailed as the “world league” – will cement its status as a retirement village for fading stars, and a nursery for emerging talent that’s to be eventually funneled to the EPL; and AC Milan (and other Italian clubs) will forever play second or third fiddle in the Champions League. I’ve said many times before on this platform that the solution to this existential problem isn’t just to build a new stadium quickly and diversify income streams by turning AC Milan into a global entertainment company, as envisaged by Cardinale; but, crucially, to replace existing national leagues in Europe with a multi-divisional continental league modelled on existing national leagues. Only then will the severe TV rights revenue imbalance afflicting football in continental Europe be eliminated. Despite Brexit, Europe is now, for all practical purposes, a single, supranational entity, and its football industry’s arrangements need to reflect that to the maximum degree. All European clubs – both continental and EPL – will benefit financially from a multi-divisional European competition, one which projects an integrated, as opposed to a fragmented, football brand around the world. A final thought: Cardinale will be well advised that in his attempts to generate more revenue for AC Milan, he doesn’t destroy the club’s soul and identity. The Rossoneri must remain, at core, a distinctly Italian outfit, albeit with a world-wide reach and appeal; they’re not a fungible commodity with no local roots. Unceremoniously ditching Paolo Maldini – a hugely respected figure who through his and his father’s legendary exploits on the pitch evoked memories of AC Milan’s glory days – was an unwise move. Football is about being flexible and embracing change, but it’s also about rewarding loyalty and maintaining continuity.

    1. I completely agree with you but Serie A and FIGC are ruin by decrepit dinosaurs desperately trying to hold into power. There won’t be change unless its either forced on them or the people with power are changed with younger progressive minds…

      Agree with you as well on the Maldini front. Keeping Baresi isn’t the same as having Maldini. But that’s all said and done and there’s no going back.

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