Sky: Theo ‘willing’ to join Bayern – the three factors of the deal

By Ben Dixon -

AC Milan will be aware of several clubs interested in their players this summer, and whether any players leave the club is yet to be seen. However, a report has suggested that one of their stars is open to leaving the club.

Before the mercato opens, several evaluations have to take place to ensure that Milan are aware of their options and how they will be active in the mercato. Whilst the main focus, you would imagine, will be on incomings, there also has to be a lot of scope into the potential outgoings, especially considering how to deal with losing a star player.

Reports before the window have suggested that interest remains high in several of the Rossoneri’s players, but three have been in the limelight more than others, those being; Rafael Leao, Mike Maignan and Theo Hernandez.

In the past few weeks, more has been reported about Theo’s future at the club, given he provides an extremely interesting proposition for elite clubs. His contract expires in 2026, and whilst he is happy at the club, talks have not progressed about his new deal.

Therefore, there is a chance that he may leave the Diavolo this summer as long as an appropriate offer is received, which Sky (via iMiaSanMia on X) reports to be more than €60 million. Their report also suggests that the player is willing to join Bayern Munich after their persistent interest.

However, a deal will rely on the new coaches of both sides and whether Alphonso Davies joins Real Madrid.

Tags AC Milan Theo Hernandez


  1. Moneyball Moncada will sell Theo and then buy 3 Reijnders, the rest will be pocketed

    then he wonders why we aren’t winning


      1. It’s true though.::if red bird were serious about buidojg a winking team Theo and Leao would be off limits…it’s perfectly simple, if someone went to city and said we are interested in Foden or De Bruyne…they’d say ‘no!’

        It’s really very simple. The moneyball concept means every player is for sale besides their stupid and idiotic concept thinks it can find a replacement cheaper

        Up to Gerry to show his hand….

        1. So then you are just preemptively questioning them? LOL!!!

          RedBird weren’t serious when they spent 100mil last summer? They aren’t serious in replacing the coach and making further upgrades by all accounts?

          The sad reality is that in Italy, if a large offer comes in, you would be crazy not to take it. If someone pays over a 100 mil for Leao, I’ll drive him to the airport myself. Same with Theo.

          It has nothing to do with hot good the management is or not. In fact I’d question them if they didn’t take those deals.

          1. Then you clearly don’t understand this football club….

            Funny I thought Redbird spent 100m less the Tonali fee? Even a moronic owner would know now is the time to get rid of Pioli…I mean that time was over a year ago but hey ho…

            I’m interested to know, who do we bring in to replace Theo and Leao and what they give us? You aren’t getting any half decent attacking players for less than 50m these days with premier league presence, and I’m not even talking top drawer here

          2. You would be crazy not to take it if your goal is money. If your goals is football you will keep your best players and built on it.

          3. Rossi is right, if your motives are football you’d be able to see beyond the monetary value to Leao and Theo, that left side is irreplaceable, the chemistry between the two. They are almost telepathic. This is where the non football people shine brightly like a fuvking beacon. It’s not about AN player and AN transfer fee…you could sell them and sign Kvara and Alphonso Davies but the two may not gel like Theo and Rafa….I’m football when you have a good thing and you want to win football trophies you keep the good thing!!!

            As for Redbird….they spent the Tonali fee plus X…

            I’ll judge them after the summer, but i suspect their plan is to offload at least two of Theo, Mike and Rafa. Perhaps this summer will be a stay of execution as they are at a critical Ppijt with the curva sud….let’s see

          4. Some fans have a bigger passion for accounting than football and glory. This is their golden age, we should let them enjoy it.

          5. Rather than the total amount spent, whe should look at the net spending. How much the club used to buy players minus how much the club received from selling players. That is the indicator of their seriuousness.

          6. they spent 35. We were allowed to accumulate 60 million euros in losses over 3 years without FFP penalties. So we didn’t even have to sell Tonali to make that window possible. In fact we had enough money to resign Kessie, Hakan, Romagnoli and Gigi without getting in trouble with FIFA Or UEFA, also keeping Tonali. Elliot and the new Muricans didn’t want and refused to allow the budget to keep our team together. We had no obligation to sell or let anyone walk away.

        2. It’s trud when it happens. I’ve seen no indication that is happening..

          And when i say grow up i meant it he should stop whining moneyball moncada under every single foking article.. it’s childish, it’s baseless, it’s tasteless and it’s just pure dull and predictable

          1. Well their previous ain’t great is it…people can say or pretend to say what they like about Tonali, it he was a damn good player
            And one of our own…that clearly meant nothing to them

          2. Right.. the angel tonali, damn good player, one of our know. Then the same fandom spils sewage on calabria every postgame, or just in general.. fúck these people..

          3. I’m personally a big defender of Calabria, he’s nowhere near the top of our list of problems, he’s not Cafu or Tassotti but he’s not a problem for me

        3. I can’t reply to your point below, but the only clubs that can afford to NOT sell their top stars are the likes of Real Madrid, ManCity, PSG, etc. Mega Rich clubs.

          That’s not Milan. We are nowhere near that level financially. Nor are we in a league that’s THAT lucrative…

    1. What American sports owners don’t seem to understand, is the ‘our guy’ mentality. Theo is our guy, he’s one of us, he squares up to Dumfries, he winds up the opposition and plays for fouls when he needs to. Just like Tonali was our guy, like Maldini was, and Zanetti was Inter’s, and Totti Roma’s… there seems very little loyalty, they are removing the humanity form the game, it’s about signing anyone from anywhere for the lowest buck to sell high.

      Silvio had his ulterior motives but he wanted to win trophies, he wanted a legacy and he got it, he never shut up about it but he got it….

        1. Well Boehly for a start, there’s no identity whatsoever. chelsea are rapidly becoming a bigger joke than ever.

          Does that mean you’re in agreement about Redbird?

          Slightly different lot then Glazer’s have shown no respect to the history of Manchester United and it’s traditions

          1. No, I don’t like redbird just asking because I thought American owners always over paid their players because they are their guys.

            Liverpool seem to be doing okay and most other American sports pay much more than any football club in Europe.

        2. Well Liverpool fans would disagree, they haven’t been supported enough to really compete with City….they’ve made small Inroads

          1. To me Liverpool have been better off with the American owners. If you are talking about spending big money you will be disappointed in all ownerships other than oil.

            I think Redbird is trying to build the squad and stay profitable to build for the future. We don’t have oil money or able to spend millions like Boehly. If we aren’t careful we will end up cash strapped and back in the Banter era.

            I want to keep Theo and I think management does too but only the biggest money filled teams can say no to offers.

            If you think we should keep Theo because he is one of us what is your opinion on paying Calabria, he is Milan through and though?

      1. And drove the club into the banter era and to near bankruptcy… and sold the likes of prime Ibra and T Silva to cover his debts…

        You’re right. We need an owner like that.

        1. Ha…so let’s forget the 5CL titles etc..oh my word. The man built the greatest club side the world has ever seen..

          Silvio was the biggest fish in the pond and outspent everyone…then the world changed and bigger fish came. His investment was also almost always tied to his political goals, but ultimately he was enough of a football man

          The end of Silvio was just evolution but he left one hell of a legacy.

          1. Sure, the accomplishments during his time were fantastic, but his fiscal irresponsibility let us to some of the darkest periods in Milan‘s history…

        2. Football changed, I’m came ffp and monitoring, I think we all no transparency wasn’t going to be Silvio’s friend….

      2. Don’t bring up Tonali, that idiot just got banned for betting on Newcastle games, he wouldn’t even have played this season if he stayed. Also don’t overrate the boy. Our best midfielder by far was Franck Kessie, not Tonali, and it’s Kessie’s absence we still feel to this day.

        1. Firstly I didn’t compare him to Kessie you did

          Secondly the gambling situation has no bearing on him as a player

          Thirdly none of you were saying this before he left

      3. That’s a fact
        You have the mentality of “our guy” this is enough for me to understand that you know what you are talking about, people who are constantly calling to sell a star player be like they will get some amount of the deal, that is the most disturbing thing, i don’t understand what will they benefit from this?

        1. The thing was Theo and Leao is you have to treat them as a unit, their combined chemistry is 60% of our attacking potency, selling one diminishes the other….it’s madness in my opinion to even consider it. As much as I love Mike there is an argument given his injury record (which could be Milan inflicted)…but it depends on the replacement. If there’s a strategy to bring in a talented young keeper then yes…if it’s make the sale and then try and find one then we are just shorting blind

  2. Time for contract talks. Agents hoping to get bumper deals by sowing rumours to scare clubs into budging to their demands. Silly season all over again….

    1. The game has become hateful…it’s almost like the season gets in the way of these leaches filling their boots…..

  3. Well previous and fairly recent reports here on SempreMilan said that 100 mil would be needed to have the clun interested in a sale so what is it ? 60-70 mil would be a direct insult.

  4. This is just basic agent tactics coming up on a renewal year…. Basic PR101. “Shop” your client to other clubs, see if anyone bites, generate stories of interest, then drum up the value of the player during renewal talks.


    Theo’s brother is a testament that Bayern isn’t a place to go unless you want countless Bundesliga titles with no club amor to challenge you. Pretty sure Lucas wouldn’t paint a pretty picture. Seems fun… yeah….

    Oh you want CL….. yea Good Luck with that at Bayern.

    1. What???? You lost me at the Bayern part. Not sure how much football you watch but Bayern has been an ever present in the UCL for quite some time now putting it lightly. Imo if you actually want a great chance to win the UCL it’s actually where you’d want to go, either there or Real.
      In the 2020s they won a final and, not sure if you noticed, but this year they were in the semis. In the 2010s, 3 finals, 4 semi finals 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️ granted many times they stumbled at the last hurdle but still….your more likely to go to the latter stages with them than not

  5. yea.. keep selling our core/ best players then bragging we are best financial bla bla bla in the world. it’s either management need more money or Theo thinks the club isn’t serious to be champion, both is bad news.

      1. What make you think that theo worth 100 m? 50 m for his skills and 50 m for his temper? Come on, tell me…

        1. He might not worth 100m but we should not sell for less than 100m. We don’t need to sell him anyway, so anyone interested in buying him must pay higher than his actual worth.

          1. Milan did not need to sell tonali and they sold it to fund the mercato. May be it will be a similiar mercato to last summer.. may be they will sell one of theo, leao or maignan.. to be honest theo is the most likely to be sold among of them..

    1. I reckon its what transfermakt values him at. It also values Messi at 30M.
      Theo is the most important person on our team and has multiple years on his contract, so if he goes it will be for a lot more than that because Milan does not have the need to sell for less or let valuable contracts expire.

  6. Ans who will be the replacement? Dormammu, Surtur, Norman Osborn, Aldrich Killian, Lex Luthor, Gorr, Malekith, or Alberto Falcone 😀

  7. Leao and Theo scores lots of goals via the left flank. Let’s not forget that our left flank is also the leaking part. We have a left back that likes to attack. Why not sell leao and push Theo to be the left winger. After all he can defend and attack. Leao is too lazy

    1. In that case I’d rather see 343 with Theo and Leao on that left flank being covered by a left footed CB, preferably Buongiorno. I think currently and due to lack of proper DM, 343 would be an optimal solution. But with a coach that knows how to play it.



  8. He is under contract till 2026. If Bayern only want to pay 60m euro then they must wait till 2025 after his contract 1 years left. Right now only 100m euro offer can make management go to negotiating table for Theo. Of course someday theo will leave too , retired in ACM are not mandatory for all player. There will be no player like paolo maldini or totti anymore that want to play for one club in this era

  9. Theo is not going to be sold, and for sure not for 60 million. Unless he forces his way out by not signing a new contract. Don’t believe everything you read

  10. Imo, Theo is the prime candidate to be sold this summer. Interest in Leao faded, Maignan is raising concernes due to injury proneness and high demands while Bayern are in need of a new offensive RB since Davies will leave and there’s no one comparable to him than Theo. Bayern probably won’t have any problems splashing between 80 and 100 millions for Theo. They bought the “lesser of Hernandez brothers” for 80 millions in 2019.

    1. Theo are LB not RB . Davies can still extend contract depend on bayern new coach . Maignan are the one that have high probability to leave

  11. If managers are disgruntled to losing 5 times ina row to the city rivals and they want to catch up with them why would even think of selling our key players? Inter is really far ahead of us and bitter complaints here are why are we losing to them.
    My suggestion is keep our star players improve the squad and challenge inter.

    1. The last time milan on level with inter is when they won the scudetto. And after that milan losing and selling key player, kessie and tonali. Inter sell their key player because they have to.. their financial issue is no secret to us. But milan? Milan has a better financial structure than inter.. and yet they win the derbies again and again…

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