Colombo and Fonseca

SM Exclusive: Fonseca makes Colombo request to Milan management – the situation

Lorenzo Colombo returned from his loan spell at Monza earlier in the summer and Paulo Fonseca has since been keeping a close eye on the youngster. According to our information, the striker’s supposed exit isn’t as certain as some might think. 

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Fonseca asks for more time

As we have learned from a source close to the matter, Fonseca has asked the management for more time with the young striker. He wants to bring him to the pre-season tour in the US and evaluate his performances before making a final decision.

Colombo struggled with Monza during the 2024-25 campaign, lacking consistency and only bagging four goals. However, he did show glimpses of his quality and the Portuguese manager wants to find out for himself if he can make the most of the potential.

The friendly against Rapid Wien on Saturday, however, didn’t provide any indications as Milan struggled to make it out of their own half with the first-half XI. The striker and Fonseca thus both feel that more time could be beneficial to make the right decision.

Heavy interest to consider

On the other hand, and as was to be expected, several clubs have expressed an interest in Colombo in the last few weeks. Empoli, above all, are pushing for the arrival of the 22-year-old and Milan might cave under the pressure.

Torino are another side that have been keeping a very close eye on Colombo, but it remains to be understood if they can sign one more striker after Che Adams (who reportedly is very close to joining Il Toro).

We can only wait and see what decision the Milan management will make, perhaps also hinging on their pursuit of a deputy striker, but for now Fonseca has asked for more time with Colombo.

Tags AC Milan Empoli Lorenzo Colombo Torino


  1. I wouldn’t be mad if he had a good preseason and they decided to invest in him. His ceiling is an will always be Alessandro Matri lol

    1. Matri who won a Scudetto with our rivals Juve.

      Here’s a list of our former players who have won Scudetti with our rivals:

      – Darmian
      – Bonucci
      – Acerbi
      – De Sciglio
      – Pirlo
      – Turkish scum
      – Matri
      – Borriello

      Many of these weren’t considered ‘Milan level’.

      It’s funny how ‘Milan level’ is beneath the level of our more successful rivals.

      1. To be fair:
        -It was us who brought Bonucci who already won scudetti and he didn’t do well with us.
        -Same for Matri
        -Letting Pirlo go was a big BIG mistake
        -Hakan wanted more money and tbh he did better as a CM/CDM in inter’s 3-5-2 rather than an AM in our 4-2-3-1. I never really liked him much as an AM.
        – It’s a bit of a stretch to try to make a case for Boriello. He wasn’t a big deal either in Juve.
        – When we had Darmian our squad depth was big and we won the UCL, so to make a case for him because he made a case for himself a decade later is again a strech.
        – Same case for Acerbi who wasn’t even our player.
        Overall in your list the only ones I do regret are Di Sciglio and Pirlo. Some of the others you named just happened to pass by Milan and never made enough of an impression to be kept.

        1. It’s not about who was good or not.

          That Juve team, like the great Milan teams, could win with anyone.

          Thais shown by the bang average players who won multiple Scudetti.

          Players like Matri, Borriello, Padoin, Giacherini and, yes, Bonucci.

          That’s how you measure a great side.

          When Milan were top we could sign absolutely average players like Simic, Kadladze, Laursen, Ambrosini, Brocchi, and Serginho who could play LB, LW and striker, and we’d still win.

          This is the thing with this constant search for ‘Milan quality’. It assumes players are bigger than the team.

          Teams win titles.

          That’s why when Bonucci was taken out of his comfort zone he played as average as every other CB we chopped and changed for 10 years.

          To return to being a truly great side we need to learn to stand still.

          This summer is positive though in that at least they seem to be limiting the number of signings. 3 or 4 wouldn’t be too bad. My worry is the size of the squad and freezing our or disrupting settled or youth players.

        2. Not to mention that Acerbi, by his own admission, was an alcoholic during his time with us, and was not a top professional or athlete in that time.

          De Sciglio is a perpetual backup at Juventus. Oh, and he WANTED to leave and follow Allegri there.

      2. Won one, didn’t win one. Matri is cràp regardless of that.. and if we sell colombo for 10-15M and 5 years later he plays for juve and wins something so be it. He isn’t on the lvl right now and we can’t win with him, so why keep him?

        Whining heir whining about players that won something with rivals

      3. And now let’s look at the players who are former players for our rivals and won a scudetto with us:

        – Tatarusanu
        – Mirante
        – Romagnoli
        – Florenzi
        – Krunic
        – Kessie
        – Ibra
        – Rebic
        – Messias
        If you want we can go old school with
        – Pirlo
        – Seedorf
        – there’s a case for Gattuso
        – Amelia
        – Pippo Inzaghi
        – Nesta (remember that guy?)
        – Sokratis
        – Oddo
        – Jankulovski
        – Zambrotta
        – Bonera eew
        – Legrotaille
        – Cassano

        Should I go on? Because there’s LOTS more where that came from. Stop making it look as if it’s an issue and if it is it only happens with us. Your list lacks context as does mine and fit is a big reason behind most of them. You’re acting like those players are somehow gods. The only players I wished we’d kept is Pirlo (and even him I’m on the fence with), Darmian and the unfortunate snake while. The rest were not major protagonists for us.

        1. But I don’t care about players who came to us to win because, well, we won.

          And actually that is another measure of a great side.

          Players will perform when they play at successful club and lose their way at other clubs.

          And actually a measure of Pioli’s success is that in general more players succeeded under him than failed.

          And that fine line between success and failure should do away with this nonsense about rating players as hot or not.

          1. “But I don’t care about players who came to us to win because, well, we won.”

            But that’s your exact point just in the opposite direction. You’re going on about the players we give to our rivals and they won but somehow that doesn’t matter when the reverse happens ?????

        2. Did you not read the rest of my post?

          Read the whole post.

          My point is if they go elsewhere and win then there’s something not working at Milan (which is my only concern).

          If they come to us and win then we’re doing something right.

  2. That’s a responsible thing to do. Look at the deck of cards you’ve been dealt with and see whether you can work with it first, before asking for a shuffle.

  3. Now I might be in the minority here, but if the new appointed coach asks for more time to work with a specific player, why not give him that ?
    Many complained that Fonseca is a “yes man” (including myself), but here he is making a request that is not too hard, so we should give him a chance.
    I’m not particularly convinced by Colombo, but if he somehow can be turned into a decent striker, that will save us the need to go for another one, plus the fact that he is Italian and a youth-product will help us with the regulations.

    1. I am always of the opinion that whatever Fonseca wants management should provide it to him much in the same way I’d say the same for Pioli. Within reason ofc. Otherwise we’d welcome Lamal 😂.
      If Fonsy wants Royal for instance then yes provide him with the player (I don’t see it but the coach knows what he wants) or in the case of he wants to see what Colombo can offer them go ahead.

      1. The whole reason they introduced a director of sport (singular; one person) was so that he could focus on the the medium to longer term squad building whilst managers could be hired a fired without disrupting the long term strategy.

        Now I actually prefer if the manager decides everything including transfers but if that does happen what’s the point of all these directors (plural)?

        Surely that’s another great way of saving money – get rid of all the middle men.

  4. I was very willing to give Fonseca a chance to prove himself, but if he’s this bad of a judge of talent, maybe not anymore. More time? Just look at some tape, Colombo is a stiff. He will never be good enough, send him away permanently.

  5. Colombo is no good. He has a ceiling and has already reached that ceiling. There is no upside in keeping Colombo except for the sake of European squad rules. I’m surprised that a supposedly experienced manager like Fonseca doesn’t realize that Colombo is a mediocre player; we do need to trim down the squad and I think Colombo is one of those who need to be let go.

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