SM: The three Milan players not called up for Bologna trip

By Euan Burns -

Three AC Milan players are not going to be a part of the Serie A opener against Bologna as they have not been asked to travel with the squad, a report claims. 

As has been reported by our colleagues at, Divock Origi, Alexis Saelemaekers and Fode Ballo-Toure have all not been called up by Stefano Pioli for the first match of the season.

Milan get their campaign underway on Monday night away at Bologna with the game kicking off at 20:45 CEST, but not everyone is invited.

The three players in question have all been heavily linked with moves away from Milan this summer and Saelemaekers could find himself moving to Real Betis if they act on their interest.

Origi is looking less likely to leave given he wants to go to the Premier League and there is not currently enough interest in him, but that has not stopped Pioli from excluding him from the squad.

Ballo-Toure has looked extremely close to leaving for many weeks but a deal has not yet been struck with Werder Bremen.

Tags AC Milan Alexis Saelemaekers Divock Origi Fode Ballo-Toure


  1. Pioli has an issue in relationship with players. This is the first time I know in many years in Milan history, a coach freeze a player like this. It never happened before. Hauge, Bakayoko, and so on. He can not handle conflict with his players.

    1. What are you talking about? All 3 of them are on the market, no point in having them travel with the squad, we’d be better off playing on of our GK’s as a striker rather than Origi. Balo-Toure is on his way out and so is Saelemakers so what is the point of taking them with? You don’t see other clubs dragging the guys along they want to sell now do you.

      1. Wrong. Why? What if none leave, which is highly unlikely. Pioli not only technically idiot, but has people management issues. Prove?
        1. DK. Scored once he left to Atlanta
        2. Adil. Benched. Not used. Why?
        3. Sala. After being his baby. Now is no good
        4. Origi. No idea on hiw to deploy him
        5. Tomori. His level is down the drain


        1. You really have no clue what you’re talking about. We have way too many players. This look more like a directive handed down by management. None of these players are part of the plan.

      2. Of course there is no point in dragging them along. The man is talking about how Pioli suddenly shitcanned Salesmaekers, one of his all time favorites until only a couple of weeks back, only because of some personal disagreement involving the two.
        In fact, the player wasn’t even on the market before this episode went down.

    2. Anything to diss Pioli huh?

      If he called them up and they started you’d also call him useless and pretend that he has a homose*ual relationship with them

      whats wrong with you people?

    3. Gattuso froze out, our captain, Montolivo and treated him disgustingly replacing him with,….Bakayoko…..who was awesome and then wasn’t awesome….such in football and life.

    4. So what do you want ? We take all player travel to bologna ? Even caldara? This is not social club . First time for you ? Saladmaker have no room in squad due to samuel chukwu,romero,pulisic are better than him in RW, origi failed last season just 2 goal and on his way out, ballo toure also on his way out.

    5. You are right Agus
      I noticed this too. Just look at how he treated Jacine Adli throughout the whole past season, without ever giving a valid reason for it.
      Then he treat others way better than what they deserve, just like with Krunic.
      Something really weird going on there.
      Either way, I may be wrong, but I think he’ll get sacked before season’s end. He’s just mediocre at best.

    1. There are suitors for Balo and Saelemakers, Origi on the other hand has been a Bakayoko his entire career. The man scored less than 20 Premier League goals during his 8 years in England.

        1. not a Maldini fanboy but i had hopes on the guy. He’s big, fast, strong and being behind Salah, Mane and Firmino at their prime is no shame. Boy was i wrong.

    1. Krunic was never on sale. He is not asking or forcing his way exit and he is still fit for coach system , the other 3 or maybe 4 including caldara already out from system

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