Sole 24 Ore: ‘Investor Presentation’ shows potential drop in RedBird ownership to 58.2%

A system may already have been in place for outside investment to remove Elliott Management from the equation at AC Milan before the financial raids at Casa Milan.

As has been reported by Il Sole 24 Ore (via Milan News), a document cited by the Milan Prosecutor’s Office reveals that Milan were almost certainly on the highway towards fresh outside investment which would have fully ended Elliott’s involvement with the club.

The AC Milan Investor Presentation shows that with a new investor coming in, RedBird would drop from having 99.9% of the club to having 58.2% of the club.

The new investment would arrive in the shape of 41.7%, by repurchasing 80% of the vendor loan which Elliott gave to RedBird in order to complete their purchase in August 2022. That loan stands at €487.5m.

With that loan essentially purchased by new investors, be they from the Middle East or not, the club would no longer be controlled in any way by Elliott.

There were financial raids at Casa Milan on Tuesday afternoon as it is believed that the current CEO Giorgio Furlani and former CEO Ivan Gazidis may have blocked the FIGC from carrying out supervisory activities around the sale. No other individuals have been named by reports.