The Rossonere want you to know that everything will be all right

As part of an ongoing effort to combat the coronavirus, the Rossonere have posted messages of support via social media.

They have posted pictures of themselves holding up signs with the message, “andrà tutto bene”. ‘Andrà tutto bene‘ means ‘everything will be all right’.

This is one of a few hashtags that were created in Italy, in order to give people assurance during this crisis.

The other hashtags are #iorestoacasa (‘I stay at home’) and #distantimauniti (‘distant but united’). The two hashtags are also being promoted by the Ministry of Youth and Sports, in an effort to curb the spread of the virus.

To date, Italy has a total of 17,660 cases of the infection, with a total of 1,266 deaths.

In other news, Milan’s Finnish midfielder, Nora Heroum, confirmed that she will be coming back to Italy.

Nora was one of the few Milan players who were allowed to leave the city. Prior till then, Milan had implemented a self-implemented ban that would prevent their players from participating in international play.

After the Cyprus Cup ended, Nora was temporarily deferred to Finland. This was due to not only a lack of available flights to Italy, but also due to Finland wanting to thoroughly assess their Italian based players to prevent an outbreak of the virus within the camp.

However, Heroum’s admission that she will return to the team is good news for the Rossonere.

Currently, the team is on lockdown with the rest of Italy as they attempt to curb the pandemic. Milan will resume practice on March 23rd. It remains yet to be seen if Heroum will join them by then.

Until then, all we can do is hope that the Milan players will remain safe during the midst of this ongoing crisis.

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