Tonali returns to take in Milan atmosphere with Femminile squad – photo

By Ben Dixon -

Sandro Tonali, perhaps AC Milan’s favourite son, returned to take in a homely experience as he visited the training centre of the Femminile squad today. 

When Tonali departed Milan, there was a considerable backlash, and whilst it can be argued that the squad has improved as a direct result of him departing, there is a Tonali-shaped gap, not just in the midfield, but in the team.

A boyhood Milanista, replacing the player is difficult, but replacing the man is a task that does not happen by chance.

Reports have already suggested that he could return to the Rossoneri in years to come, perhaps it could just be speculation, but it would be understandable if there was a desire from both parties for a return to occur.

Being a fan, it is understandable why Tonali’s links to the Diavolo have continued since his departure, and he has been seen in activities with a Milan relation and today, this streak continued, as he posed alongside the Femminile side at Vismara.

Tags AC Milan Milan Femminile Sandro Tonali


          1. Do you agree that our midfield was our weakest area last season?

            If so, does that suggest that selling Tonali (and worse Krunic) and replacing them with Adli, Reijnders, Musah and RLC was a mistake?

      1. There’s so much wrong with your post….

        First you acknowledge that none of us our employees of Milan which is why I find it so remarkable that people are so defensive about the management decisions at Milan.

        Second, as a non-employee of Milan, your loyalty should be with the players and the manager over some random directors.

        You should have regret for Tonali being sold because you once watched Tonali play, score crucial goals to help deliver a Scudetto, return Milan to the Champions League and Champions League semi-finals.

        These are your memories of a fan and these are memories that you should be grateful for.

        Because that’s what being a fan is about.

        We are all talking nonsense because nobody knows what would’ve happened had Tonali stayed or whether this new player is any good or whatever.

        It’s all speculation.

        But consistently we see so many fans on here dismissing former (and current) players and managers, and defending random directors and the transfer market.

        It makes being a fan completely pointless. Just go and support the best team and you can achieve instant gratification.

        It’s completely irrational to support a pretty average Milan side when there are teams like Man City and Real Madrid and even the Saudi global trotters.

        If that’s all that football is to you, moving random players and playing it like it’s Football Manager, just go and do the obvious thing and support the best team.

        1. Well said. You need to know tho that some of this accounts are not real fans, they are just bots who pop on from time to time to defend the management. Thats why they never talk about football or support the club.

        2. TLDR. Short form version: Maldinis heir is whining about everything and wants to keep has been players at Milan. Krunic and Origi would be starting every game.

          1. That’s not a particularly good or accurate summary.

            Given others seem to have understood what I meant it does suggest issues with your reading comprehension.

            Maybe stop whining and being angry all of the time.

      2. Dont bother with these 2(wcpublic and goku) jerry’s fan boys and balls lickers…they are just muppets paid of jerry to calm the spirit..
        He will need big time muppets like these 2 for their scum bussiness he intends to make with this club

  1. If only society wasn’t so mean forcing him to become an illegal gambler… seriously though, I hope he returns one day once he’s got his act together.

  2. The 2 best decisions Milan made in recent years was bringing Zlatan back and selling Tonali for way more than he was worth. Don’t miss him at all.

    1. Way more than his worth? If anything, it was way under for today’s market. Bro, you stuck in 2007 or smth? He was a great prospects and a starter in a former champion. If he was an English player, he would’ve been bought for 100 million. Jack fkn Grealish bought for 100 million!
      It was a good decision to sell him as the money was put back into the market to build the team, and because of the scandal he got himself into.

  3. By letting him go, we made solid improvements to our team. I did feel sad when he left nonetheless. As far as his gambling issue, addiction isn’t a laughing matter and I hope he got the help he needed.

    I know someone who suffered from a gambling addiction. It can take a person to a really dark place of helplessness and depression, no matter their economic status.

    I only wish the best for him the future. I know he will most likely never return to Milan, but wish him success in future.

  4. It’s funny that people say that Milan sold Tonali and signed a bunch of average midfielders, as if Tonali was a great midfielder.
    Tonali was an average midfielder for whom a dumb epl team paid double than he was worth. His best quality was that he grew up a Milan fan.
    Milan misses a player like Kessie or a player like Hakan much more than they miss Tonali.

    1. Sure keep telling yourself that, maybe our goals conceded statistics from last season (which was also one of the worst in the history of the club) with shiny new super dupper world class midfield will magically disappear.

      1. Let’s back that up with some facts.
        Thru week 34 of 22/23 when the “great” midfielder Tonali played for Milan, alongside Bennacer, Milan gave up 39 goals.
        Thru week 34 of 23/24 season without the “great” midfielder Tonali and with Bennacer being Injured or Milan worst midfielder, Milan gave up, surprise surprise, 39 goals.
        In the last 4 games of 22/23 season Milan gave up 4 goals, playing without Bennacer.
        In the last 4 games of 23/24 season, Milan gave up 10 goals, with Bennacer starting every game.
        The difference in the last 4 games of 22/23 season and 23/24 season, was that in 22/23 Milan had to fight for their lives to stay less 10 points behind Juventus on the table to qualify for UCL. In 23/24 last 4 games they had nothing to play for because they were qualified for UCL and 5 points ahead of juve at 3rd place.
        So yeah, keep telling yourself that Tonali and Bennacer were better defensively than Reijnders, Musah ans RLC. Nit to mention that Milan best defenders in 23/24 were all injured for most of the season thru week 34.
        Speaking about worst in history, January of 2023 was the worst month in Milan’s 124 year history. Guess who the midfielders were back then? The “great” Tonali and Bennacer.
        Not to mention Milan finished 2nd without Tonali and mostly without Bennacer, but finished 5th with Tonali and Bennacer.
        Keep lying to yourself.

        1. And i guessed that you guessed that Milan would win the title when Milan bought Reijnders and co. Milan have injury crisis even when they were the champion, and the season after. Tonali was staying fit and lead the line. And don’t blame players for worst periods, if it was the reason, we would’ve seen players sold by now, not the coach who got fired.
          Tonali is better than Reijnders and Loftus combined, If he stays with us and didn’t get into that scandal. You are comparing players who is older than him when he still has the room to grow.
          The reason Milan conceded many goals in Tonali era was because the attack and build up was bad. There was no creative players in the team and Milan has problem scoring goals. If you can’t score, or keep the ball,
          the opponents will. They all correlated.

          1. Ha ha ha.
            First of all the conversation was about defensive statistics with and without Tonali.
            You are blaming the attack and the poor build up for Milan conceding goals when Tonali played. Don’t you think the attack, the defense being Injured or bad, Maignan being poor had anything to do with Milan giving up goals in 23/24 or that was solely on the new midfielders?
            Also, if Tonali is better than Reijnders and RLC combined, why was the build-up so bad? Isn’t Tonali as a great midfielder involved in the build-up up?
            Ha ha ha.
            You guys talk solely on emotions. Bring some facts to tge conversation next time.

        2. Great stats…

          Tonali and Bennacer delivered a Scudetto and Champions League semi-final.

          The new mob ended up getting the manager sacked…..

          Honestly you really aren’t much of a ‘winner’ are you?

          1. Kessie delivered the scudetto in the midfield. He made Bennacer and Tonali look good.
            In 21/22 with Kessie, Milan gave up 31 goals.
            In 22/23 without Kessie, but with Bennacer and Tonali, Milan gave up 43 goals. Funny how no one wants to talk about how Milan midfield was so bad from one season to another in this instance?
            The new mob didn’t get the coach fired, he was overdue to be fired since 22/23 season.
            The coach and Bennacer were the reason why Milan didn’t win the Europa league last season. Pioli being an awful coach who insisted on playing Milan’a worst midfielder Bennacer.
            First game vs Roma, Bennacer was the worst player on the pitch and first to be subbed off while Milan lost to 1-0 to Roma at home.
            Return leg in Rome, Milan is down 2-0 with Bennacer being the worst player on the pitch again, and was the 1st to be subbed off in the 40th minute, 5 minutes before halftime.
            Calling Pioli a winner is cute.
            60 years old , coaching for 30 years, only one trophy, but he is calling him a winner.
            Give me Kessie back, Tonali can stay and bet on games in the EPL.

          2. LMAO!!! Sure, buddy. The Scudetto and CL progress was delivered purely on what Bennacer and Tonali did in the middle.

            KESSIE, Tomori/Kalulu and Leao/Theo partnerships and the rest had NOTHING to do with it…

            Way to reduce that down to something so marginal as to fit your narrative. Dense.

            The difference between pre and post Tonali was not Tonali. It was Kessie.

        3. One player does not deliver anything.

          To make your claims even more ridiculous Tonali actually scored actual decisive goals in actual decisive games which, had he not, we would not have won our 19th Scudetto

          That makes him a legend.

          But you play your stats (which by the way were awful last season!).

          1. So does Kessie, but you the hypocrite, don’t call him a Milan legend, instead you call him ke$$ie because he hurt your feelings when he left.

          2. “To make your claims even more ridiculous Tonali actually scored actual decisive goals in actual decisive games which, had he not, we would not have won our 19th Scudetto”

            There would have been another player playing instead of him. Who knows, with the other player we might have won the match 3-0.

        4. “In the last 4 games of 22/23 season Milan gave up 4 goals, playing without Bennacer.
          In the last 4 games of 23/24 season, Milan gave up 10 goals, with Bennacer starting every game.”

          Yes? What’s not understandable here? One of the worst seasons for goals conceded in the history of the club with new 60 million midfield.

          “in 22/23 Milan had to fight for their lives to stay less 10 points behind Juventus on the table to qualify for UCL. In 23/24 last 4 games they had nothing to play for because they were qualified for UCL and 5 points ahead of juve at 3rd place.”

          You don’t really distinguish between facts and own takes do you?

          Now do tell me what’s the point difference between 22/23 and 23/24. 5 points? Not really big improvement after spending 110 millions from which 60 went for the midfield. But we did make the history for 3rd worse goal conceded season in the history of the club.

    2. Tonali stats on a personal level when he played for us were close to Rodri. Who was back then and prob still is the best DM right now. Also as others have mentioned Tonali was crucial in winning the Scudetto. Thats why he was valued at 60mil in the first place at the age of 23. Tonali is not yet even in his prime, unlike the mids that we brought. Who even in their prime haven’t reached the success Tonali had.

  5. I can accept that in hindsight it was good that we sold him as it would have been extremely costly to us had he been banned with us for an entire year and I do think we actually reinvested the money pretty well but some of you around here are relentless in the lack of respect you show for a former fan favorite and scudetto winner. How can you even show up on a milan forum and expect to be shown the slightest respect yourselves ?
    He might never return and play for us but I nevertheless will hope to see him in red and black again at some point of his career if he has put his addiction behind him.

    1. Because these ‘fans’ just see modern football in the same way as some reality TV.

      Most of what drives interest in reality TV is a kind of Hunger Games mentality where people get off hating other people and hoping they fail.

      This is the modern football fan. They don’t have any connection to the actual club they support (as evidenced by their hatred of the players who play for said club). They just see it as some sort of vehicle to gossip, speculate and hate.

      Watch as the season starts the real fans will focus on the football, supporting the team, and defending the manager and the players against the mob who will spend their time moaning and insulting the very people they once celebrated us signing.

      1. And were you defending Pioli last season? Did you need him to stay on longer? By your logic, only plastic fans would want the manager out…

        1. Did you miss all the times I defended Pioli and the players including the ones I was against us signing?

          Do you even notice that I rarely comment on a player’s ability?

          It takes a lot for me to criticise our manager and players. I did criticise Adli because he’s one of the most frustrating players I’ve ever seen play for us.

          One player.

          The list for you lot is endless.

      2. “the mob who will spend their time moaning and insulting the very people they once celebrated us signing.”

        The way you do when you talk about Gigio Donnarumma, Hakan Calhanoglu and Franck Kessie? Same players that brought Milan back in the champions league?
        Oh right we are suppose to hate those players because they left Milan for more money just like Tonali did.
        At least they left Milan for more money and for teams on Milan level and ambition to win trophies..Tonali left Milan solely for the money..Newcastle haven’t won a title in a 100 years and they are only known nowadays because they have the richest owners is football. Unless they win a caribou cup and hope that one of the big 5 in epl slip up, they can’t even make it to the UCL. Buy people were saying Tonali doesn’t care about money. Same guy that got caught betting illegally on illegal sites doesn’t care about money. 🤔

        1. You really have no idea about being a fan do you?

          You have no idea about loyalty?

          And you seemingly have no idea about football given you think 1 or 2 or 3 or whatever arbitrary number of ‘favs’ you deem to be solely responsible for delivering results across 38 matches (including when they’re either they’re at the African Cup of Nations).

          The reason I HATE those three scum is because they’re a bunch of mercenary scum.

          And by the way, as you’re struggling with the concept, I also hate Inter players.

          Now why would I as a grown man hate a bunch of a random dudes (who are increasingly more Italian LOL) playing for a random team?

          And why would I as a grown man love a bunch of a random dudes (who decreasingly have any connection to) playing for some other random team?

          And why don’t I just support Man City or Real?

          Why, why, why?

          What is the point if being a fan?

          You think this is about ‘winning’ (and then you reject actual winners)?

  6. Tonali isn’t a Milan player, why would I be loyal to him who almost dragged Milan into a betting scandal?
    I thought you supposed to be loyal to Milan not some random dudes that are just passing by.
    Tonali spent 3 years as a Milan player. Hakan 4, Kessie 5, Romagnoli 7, Donnarumma 8. I have more loyalty to those guys than with Tonali.
    Hakan and Gigio helped Milan to come back to UCL but they are a scum according to you.
    Kessie helped Milan get back to UCL and win the Scudetto, probably the most important player, but he is a scum according to you.
    Milan misses Kessie, they don’t miss Tonali.
    I support Milan. Tonali is not a Milan player. He played vs Milan last season. Couldn’t care less about him anymore.
    BTW, loyalty is for family, friends and real people in your life, not some dudes that run in shorts and don’t even know you exist. Weird that a grown man like you doesn’t understand that.

    1. Why would you be loyal to a player who helped deliver a Scudetto for you?

      But you show more loyalty to players who strung the club along and then dumped it?

      Again, since you seem to really struggle with the concept of being a fan, yes one has loyalty to family, friends and real people in one’s life, but one also has a DIFFERENT TYPE of loyalty for the players who played for and showed loyalty towards the club you allegedly support.

      Or else what is the point?

      What is the point of me as a grown man following a bunch of dudes where 10/11 are only allowed to use their feet and they have to ‘score’ in some completely arbitrarily sized ‘goals’ to TRY and win some league or cup?

      What is the point of football?

      What is the point of anything?

      Your completely superficial approach to being a fan is problematic for many reasons but the main one is that it’s actually killing the game.

      Fewer and fewer modern fans support specific teams and increasingly they’re following players.

      None of this is surprising because the ‘team’ is increasingly just some superficial brand that has a revolving group of players behind who seemingly have no connection all with the place that the club supposed to be from.

      So it’s really not surprising that the sport is struggling which it’s lost its entire raison d’etre.

      1. If we followed your ideas, we would be stuck with has-beens and another banter era period. No thanks dude. Your attitude is provincial.

        1. If we followed my ideas we’d be in the same position as Real Madrid or Barcelona playing with a tighter first team squad, focused on targeted signings, and keeping the players together for longer periods of time.

          But boy do my ideas make angry.


    2. “who almost dragged Milan into a betting scandal?”

      Now that’s an awful take right there🤣🤝

      So Juventus fans should impale Buffon on a stick when he was involved in a betting scandal? He dragged the club down with him?

  7. Very plain stats. Did we concede more with Tonali than without him and the answer is no. The year prior we conceded 43 in Serie A , this year it was 49. Point blank that’s worse!
    It’s not like he’s a defensive phenom but he added some technical qualities including that of defending which we haven’t replaced. Speaking of which it really started the year before with Kessie as the drop off started with him, then Tonali left and then Krunic. Each consecutive year/window got progressively fewer people capable of doing proper defensive work. The defensive stats dont lie. The backline has been relatively stable in this regard. It’s the midfield that received the most changes over time. Did last year new midfield produce more goals? Of course. Is that exciting to watch? Of course! But they also conceded alot more too. So much so that it’s basically a wash in terms of net socred and net conceded each game.
    Question u have to ask oneself is why are we in the market after a more defensive minded profile for the midfield if we really are ok with last year’s signings and everything they bring? They know they’re correcting that mistake and that’s fine by me and probably any normal fan..

      1. Almost sure all this muppets nicknames goku,wc public,🔴⚫️ are just one clueless gringo paid by Jerry for damage control to lick his balls.Well done dum fk!

  8. why some useless fans bringup kessie in Tonali post?

    Kessie didn’t play in Midfield the season we win Scudetto.

    He played 1good season with bennacer in double pivot, in scudetto season he played as no:9 for most of season.

    It was bennacer/tonali/tomori/kalulu who should be praised before any other player for defensive work that was done.

    You can go and support kessie in saudi pro league.
    Stop making chat junk.

      1. he played as no:9(it’s also a reason he scored around 10 goals) all scudetto winning season, you should remember it well or go check the lineups.

        no need to spam the chat!

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