Tuttosport: Detail regarding Chief Prosecutor causes a storm on social media

By Oliver Fisher -

There is a detail regarding the Milan Prosecutor’s Office and their investigation into AC Milan which has caught the attention of some fans.

As a reminder, they are looking into the sale of Milan from Elliott Management to RedBird Capital, which took place in 2022. La Gazzetta dello Sport provided a summary earlier today, ahead of the ‘second chapter’ of the investigation.

As Tuttosport (via PianetaMilan) writes, some fans have highlighted the rather intriguing point that Marcello Viola – who since April 2022 has been Milan’s chief prosecutor – is by his own admission a big Inter fan.

As if this were not enough, the Turin newspaper continues, there are images of a lunch – dated June 2022 – between Viola and the Inter directors Giuseppe Marotta and Alessandro Antonello. It was an institutional meeting, but it is going around on social media as certified proof of an ongoing conspiracy.

The paper does rightly point out that Viola has been investigating the neo-fascist and ‘ndrangheta infiltrations in the Nerazzurri’s Curva Nord for months.

Tuttosport adds: ‘Viola is an Inter fan and for that reason he investigates Milan. It is obvious, especially in today’s world where conspiracy theorists are found everywhere, that this Inter faith could represent a curiosity to embroider on’.


Tags AC Milan


  1. Last week it was almighty Beppe Sala, now it’s the Prosecutor. Unlike Elliott or Redbird, this guy is probably not into football to get richer. I can’t believe he would jeopardise his successful career just to annoy a rival which is already far behind in the scudetto race.

    It seems more like Elliott/Redbird counterattacking on the PR front. Even if they’re not guilty, all of this is bad buzz for the brand.

    1. They just want to stop ACM building new stadium at san donato . Keep continue renting san siro then ACM will be safe from mafia, but can never have own stadium.

    2. Spoken like a true Milanista. Blame the current owners for everything and defend the corrupted Interista-prosecutor at all costs. 🙂

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