Tuttosport: Milan line up 104-goal striker on free transfer to replace Ibrahimovic in 2022

By Oliver Fisher -

AC Milan have once again been linked with a move for Torino striker Andrea Belotti by today’s edition of the newspaper Tuttosport.

It seems that the Rossoneri are linked with a potential bid for Belotti every summer and have been since 2017, but now that the Torino captain has entered the last year of his contract he may finally be at a crossroads in his career where he must decide what to do.

Tuttosport (via PianetaMilan) writes that Milan have never forgotten Belotti even if it seems very difficult for him to arrive in the current summer transfer window, but the Rossoneri are still lurking and could yet make a concrete attempt.

There is one condition however: the Italy international would have to not renew his contract with the Granata and thus make himself available for a free transfer. Belotti for his part is in no hurry to renew his contract and despite being professional as always, from February onwards he could agree to a free transfer with another club.

At the end of the 2021-22 season Zlatan Ibrahimovic should hang up his boots and that is where Milan could come into play, bringing Belotti to the San Siro to work with Olivier Giroud and possibly even Kaio Jorge should he sign from Santos.

Belotti wants to be playing prestigious competitions and would love to play in the Champions League as a protagonist with Milan, his boyhood team. He has 104 goals and 26 assists in 223 appearances for Granata having been their absolute leader over the past few years, but it seems he may have finally outgrown them.

READ MORE: Atalanta officially put €6-7m forward up for sale – an August opportunity for Milan

Tags AC Milan Andrea Belotti


    1. I completely disagrees if belotti can be brought in for free next year it would be a steal and as he already has a better goal scoring ratio at a mid to bottom team like torino in 6 years than inzaghi had with us in 11 years then i feel pretty confident that he could do better with us and thereby improve his scoring ratio. Whats not to like about that ? he is also a workhorse and a very mobile attacker and he is well known for having a down to earth personality, being loyal and a milan fan so i simply cant see anything but this becoming an instant great and succesfull deal
      Id even get him this year as well if we could negotiate a fair deal with cairo.

      1. I’m with Martin – to me he’d have been the ideal signing before Giroud came in. Waiting a year may be beneficial financially if Torino won’t do business this year, but I fully expect him to move in this transfer window.

        1. Hey there roger depending on the demands of cairo i would have made him one of my priorities this summer if i could but as you i fear he will be gone come next summer which would be a thing i would have a hard time accepting even though i would nevertheless still support the managment. When that is said lets see what happens because belotti has shown beyond loyalty towards torino by staying so long and if he really want to join us an we cant afford him this year he should stick it out and join us by then or in january at a greatly discounted price. Anyways i have no doubts that he would become one of the fan favourites fairly quickly and if ibra retires next year there should be plenty of room in the team.

    2. I know, right? Why can’t we just sign MBAPPE or HAALAND? I’m sure if we just offered them 20mm and Daniel Maldini in exchange they would take it!

  1. Just get him now, and offer a low price to see if they take it. Where’s the downside in this, I fail to see one…

  2. I doubt Milan would still meet the demand when he becomes a free agent.

    We fail woefully playing the waiting game, we have lost so many players due to indecisiveness from the management.

    Sbolozai and miranchuk are just a few of many names that would have done well in the team.

    But as always, “The management knows what they are doing”

    1. seriously he is an ac milan fan since he was a kid and has professed it several times before and is known as a down to earth kinda guy and had he been hunting large cash sums he wouldnt have signed a 6 year renewal in dec 2016 at an anual salary of 3mil a year before taxes when he was bagging goals as he pleased when lots of clubs wanted him in the season he actually scored 26 goals. Obviously he would want more but paying him maybe 3 mil after taxes propably should suffice as im fairly confident he would reject everyone else if we come calling.

      In regard of your last comment well we got a second place in serie a while we have one of the youngest teams in top five leagues and beat or equaled several italian/ac milan/ european records in 2020 so they cant really be doing that bad , can they ?

  3. Regretting for not signing him earlier, but Cairo is a mad man, hard to deal with him. Hopefully he comes, either now or January or in a year

  4. Probably it is better to get him now for lower price instead of Kaio? Torino management aware that he’s leaving, I think they would take the deal instead of losing him for free.
    Zlatan + Belotti + Giroud. Nice set of skilled experienced attackers to go for titles.

  5. I think it would be a good idea to get jorge now and in jan we can get belotti for a low prize by giving them jorge on loan for 6 months.That way even jorge would get chance in serie a and next season we can have belotti giroud and an improved jorge

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