Tuttosport: Milan want a new right-back – what that means for Calabria and Florenzi

By Euan Burns -

AC Milan are in the market for a new right-back and it could cause issues for Davide Calabria and Alessandro Florenzi ahead of next season. 

As reported by Tuttosport (via Milan News), Milan have been linked with both Emerson Royal from Tottenham and Tiago Santos from Lille.

Calabria is the starting right-back for Milan but he has not had a very good season, whilst Alessandro Florenzi has been used as a utility player on both flanks when needed.

Signing a new right-back would provide some tougher competition for Calabria and perhaps see him improve his performances, but it could spell the end of Florenzi at the club.

Calabria’s entourage and Milan are expected to meet soon to try and come to a resolution over his possible contract extension, so the outcome of those talks will impact what Milan do in the transfer market, in terms of how many right-backs are signed.

The same can be said for Florenzi, as Milan will soon speak to him about an extension as the 33-year-old only has one year left on his deal. Milan are only like to give him a new contract at that age if it is on his terms rather than with a significant pay increase.

Tags AC Milan Alessandro Florenzi Davide Calabria


  1. I seriously doubt that milan will start negotiation with florenzi as he earns 3 mil a year and will turn 34 next season so unless they want to sell calabria because they cant renew him and that florenzi takes a lower pay but a longer contract. Calabria can probably be sold but if he is expecting an increase in his salary it might not be that easy.
    I nevertheless like both players.

  2. They won’t renew Florenzi. Heard we were also linked with Marcus Pedersen.

    Calabria is far too inconsistent. We need to deal with the RB position. I think Tiago Santos is the best one we can sign because he won’t be costly like Royal.

    All I know is we need consistency.

    1. So you want to switch Calabria who has 1 goal and 4 assists, 86,3% in pass success in 3 034 minutes played (in Serie A, UCL, UEL) for Tiago Santos who has 2 goals and 2 assists, 83,2% in pass success in 2 664 minutes played (in Ligue 1 and Europa conference)? Seems like an incredible upgrade. Get rid of our captain, one of the last guys showing grinta, coming from the ranks of our very own Academy.

      Anyway they can’t get rid of Calabria since they need to keep homegrown players. I don’t know where that myth of Calabria being inconsistent comes from. He was solid during the Scudetto season, held Kvara last year in UCL quarter finals and Mbappé this year in UCL stages.

      1. Calabria shows grinta? WHEN?! Calabria is a sh*t captain, with ZERO leadership who only defaulted into that position through the banter years because the rest of the team was even worse… hell, even Theo has more grinta than him, and Theo is no captain material.

        A team that had Baresi and Maldini as captains and now Calabria….? LMAO!!! You understand how ridiculous that is?

        If you like Calabria, at least praise the (mediocre) player that he is, not the captain (that he’s not).

        1. I totally agree that having Calabria as our captain is a disgrace. He’s not captain material. Although loyal and giving his all for the team he’s no leader. Really though who is captain material on milan?

        2. I’m not saying he’s a world class player but he’s fine and has always been. We can’t have Maldini or Baresi at every position, he’s more in the mold of Ambrosini imo. He’s a fan favorite also, I’m not sure fans would like him if he was trash like Taïwo or Ballo-Touré. I understand we can disagree but objectively I don’t see how Emerson Royal or Tiago Santos is an upgrade over him. Especially since his role is more to defend than attack with the left side up to that task.

          1. You’re right – they may not be upgrades. But Santos has more capacity to improve given his age. Calabria is a known commodity and has hit his ceiling. What you see is what you get. But we do need an upgrade.

          2. Santos is way younger than Calabria and is showing far more promise, and is considered one of the most promising at Lille. You bet I want him at Milan. Calabria isn’t like Ambrosini. That’s incredibly insulting to Ambrosini. He’s a painfully average player that has made more mistakes than one can count. I always cringe when I see yet another misplaced pass by Calabria or defensive disaster.

      2. Calabria is a bit like abate both always was lambasted even though both at least at some point in their careers was the rbs with the most assists in a season, we have always been told that neither could pass a ball. I always iked both.

      3. Stats don’t tell the real story. Now do all the defensive disasters of Calabria and get back to me. We can promote a different homegrown player.

    2. I actually disagree. Calabria has been when healthy very consistent. The problem is that he is consistently average. He gets burnt against elite player and does well against average or below. 🙂 He is home grown and fan favorite but being honest, if we are to challenge for more than 2nd and rd16 in UCL, we need a better RB. He could be a great bench, great against mid to lower serie A teams but not enough for UCL or critical matches.

  3. Don’t even need a rb. The fúck did they bought terracciano for?

    You know if you add up all those like terracciano over the last 3-4 years that came for a low fee and went out the back doors it probably comes around 20-25M already..

    1. Terra hasn’t played much, but from the times he has played, have you seen any confidence or anything worth bragging about from him?

      1. I don’t care what he showed in those not even 90min he played for Milan.. we bought him for 4.5M. Why?

        Same thing with jimenez. The fûck are they paying 5M for that? He won’t play..nah they’ll go and buy someone else because we so bl0ody need another rb

    2. When terraciano was bought there was an article that stated that the club actually would have preferred to have left him at verona for the remainer of the season but due to the injury crisis he was brought in earlier than initially planned.

  4. Florenzi is a great utility guy. I like Calabria also, but they aren’t worth big salaries, and don’t defend corners and set plays well.

  5. Calabria is being portraited as bad guy because he wants a raise. A captain who’s one of lowest paid players on squad wants a raise. Bad Calabria. Bad.

    1. I get what you are saying here but he is hardly one of the lowest paid players in the squad at 2.5 mil a year. Probably a bit above the average though.

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