Vito Angele Q&A: Bakayoko, Bennacer latest; Ibrahimovic wants Milan stay; ‘strong’ Rangnick choice

Our correspondent Vito Angele has answered a number of questions from fans regarding the future of Milan and the upcoming mercato.

With so much uncertainty and such an abundance of speculation in the media at the moment, we put a few questions from our Twitter followers to Vito for him to answer…

Vito: Milan’s will is to keep the player. Bennancer also told the club that he wants to grow further and that he is doing well in Milan. Unless sensational offers arrive, he will remain at Milan.


Vito: Each journalist has his own sources, many are very reliable, others less so. You must be good at understanding when there is truth in what you are told. At the base of everything there is always courtesy and respect, it is a good way to start the first interviews with those who will be your sources. Without forgetting the luck of being in the right place at the right time!

Vito: In recent days we have talked a lot about Bakayoko. Monaco has already informed the player that he will not be redeemed. Bakayoko wants to return to Milan and has made it known to the club. In order for his return to materialise, however, Chelsea must accept a convenient offer, perhaps another loan, and he must lower his salary.

Vito: He wants to stay. The club has not yet made a final decision because it needs a conversation with the future coach who, unless the twists and turns, will be Rangnick.

Vito: Rangnick could be a right profile to focus on, he has precise ideas and many scouts working for him. On future projects it is not easy to understand the plans of an ownership that speaks little to the press. Rangnick’s choice is an important and strong choice. It is a good starting point.