Lombardy Mayor: Milan will move forward with San Donato but evaluate WeBuild idea

The program agreement for the potential new AC Milan stadium in San Donato will be voted on today by the Lombardy Region council, and the Mayor of has commented.

Milan have already taken formal steps that prove their interest in building a new state of the art stadium in the San Francesco area of the San Donato district in the south of the city, with land purchased and the program agreement phase initiated.

Indeed, that program agreement for the potential new Milan home will be voted on today by the Lombardy Region council and everything points towards a favourable result with no obstacles foreseen.

We explained where the process is at in a Subtack article yesterday, including the hypothesis of renovating San Siro based on the plans that have been put forward by WeBuild and the City Council.

Attilio Fontana – the president of the Lombardy region – spoke to reporters about the Milan stadium in San Donato as he arrived for a meeting, with his comments relayed by MilanNews.

“The Region has the role to be the promoter of the program agreement which must be carried out in compliance with the ordinary rules. This does not affect the choices that Milan will have to make. I think there is concrete intent on the part of Milan to move forward,” he said.

“The determination to carry forward the program agreement is there. However, I believe that Milan will now also have to evaluate the proposal received from Webuild on the renovation of San Siro but these are choices that do not concern the Region which must comply with its administrative obligations.”