Longo: Calabria and Tomori could leave as Milan express trust in Thiaw

By Isak Möller -

AC Milan have struggled defensively this summer and in addition to a new manager, therefore, the Rossoneri could also reinforce the department with a few signings. According to a report, Davide Calabria and Fikayo Tomori could also leave. 

Stefano Pii’s men have conceded a whopping 42 goals this season and as highlighted by Calciomercato.com’s Daniele Longo, that’s 23 more goals than Inter have conceded. In short, a ‘revolution’ is recommended and perhaps even needed at the back.

The plan, as things stand, is to sign two centre-backs and a promising right-back. The likes of Davide Calabria and Fikayo Tomori now hang in the balance, with the captain asking for a high pay rise. The Englishman, meanwhile, could be put on the market to fund other operations.

Malick Thiaw’s agent recently had a meeting with Geoffrey Moncada and Antonio D’Ottavio at Casa Milan, during which the club’s trust was in the German was made clear. Therefore, he could only leave in the event of a very high offer.

As for potential targets, Maxence Lacroix (Wolfsburg), Lilian Brassier (Brest) and Tiago Santos (Lille) are on Milan’s radar. These targets will be discussed with the new manager and from there, the Rossoneri will decide what to do next.

We were the first to report about Milan’s interest in Santos on our Substack so, if you haven’t already, sign up today for loads of bonus content!

Tags AC Milan Davide Calabria Fikayo Tomori Malick Thiaw


  1. This is a good solution. Tomori & Calabria have both peaked and shown to not be good enough in the end. Meanwhile, Thiaw has room for growth and can become world class if we handle him correctly. Tomori can also fetch a hefty price from the Premier League

    1. If Thiaw develops into a star and asks for a raise would you sell him too? The answer is Yes.

      Just look at Inter getting a lot of players without spending any money. They dare to pay. The calculation is that they pay players by buying them at the start.

    2. What are u talking about. When tomori is on his level he is a absolut monster. Best Cb u can imagine the only thing with him is, that he is to aggressive wich u can change easy. Selling him would be a crime. U won’t get sich a fast Cb nowhere.

    3. What are you talking about? Tomori is a to class defender, I would be worried to trust entirely on Thiaw, who has had one good season and one average season, he may be a one season wonder after all

    4. Ah yes, the ole sell and buy more strategy. I see that you’re a MONEYBALL MONCADA fan!

      When we sold Tonali, did our midfield improve?

      We used to have:
      Tonali, Kessie, Bennacer, and Krunic

      After Moneyball Moncada, we now have:
      Adli, Reijnders, Musah and Bennacer

      Reijnders is blind. Can’t pass, can’t defend. can’t make a vertical pass. Can’t win ball back. For all of Moncada’s scouting ability, he’s absolutely useless in every single measurable statistic.

      So the moneyball moncada strategy, sell our best players at the peak, and buy cheap nobodies and then claim they are the next superstars.

      When they fail and the team does poorly, blame everyone except management. Also, make a profit and buy a boat.

      Yep. A Moneyball Moncada special.

      Dude… I have a bridge to sell you. It’s over a beautiful piece of swamp land that is gonna explode in value. We just need your money up front.

  2. You will sell existing stars like Tomori for money to buy obscure players!

    Just disband Milan so Curva Sud can switch support to another club!

  3. We fucking need to keep tomori omg. He is a fucking beast u just need to tell him not to tackle to much. Idiots who ever think about letting him go.

  4. Why does it sound like we’re totally changing this team? Calabria, tomori, theo, giroud, bennacer, maignan, and leao have all been linked to leave now

    1. Because Gerry wants to get rid of everyone who has any sort if ties to Maldini. He’s desperate to burn all the bridges and wants to build his own legacy on the pile of ashes. Simple.

  5. Tomori has peaked, it’s best to sell him now, even though Southgate is an idiot, we all saw this season and last season how suspect he is. This season he turned into Harry Maguire. It’s time to cash out, he’s been a good servant but we can get good money for him, I doubt whichever coach comes in keeps him too. Don’t see that happening, there are good young center backs out there, including one in Thiaw who’s already a German international and captain of the German U/21 team. Calabria has also run his course. We have better RB’s in our ranks, once Parma comes back next season he would be the perfect fit for them, that’s where I see him at least. It’s time to promote from within. Hopefully Sergio is in charge next season as he’s done wonders with Porto’s youth products, he’ll find out youth a real treat to work with.

  6. What this translates as is ‘there is interest
    From the prem in Tomori and Gerry sees £££££££££££££££££££’

    This probably isn’t true, but we are 3 maybe 4 good signing away from being a very good squad..why take out more players…

    This season was hampered by an entire new midfield having to learn each other, let’s do it again next season Witt the defence….madness

  7. Tomori’s issue is his over-aggressiveness and the errors he makes in challenges because of it. “easy to coach out of”? Sure…. which is why season after season he’s still making these mistakes.

    When he is focused, he is stellar, but he needs a strong cast around him to feed off. Again, I feel that good DM’s would take the pressure off our CB’s and Tomori and they can play with more confidence.

  8. Again I hope these are just rumors.
    Despite this dissapointing season, I believe this squad has potential, is perhaps 3 or 4 signings away from improving in every single position and given the budget and the money we’re likely to get from CDK, Saelemakers, Maldini among others, we don’t need to sell important players.
    It’s one thing to say we need a better CB than Tomori, but saying than we need to offload Tomori who is our best CB despite his mistakes is a big mistake.
    And finally a tactical system than doesn’t over-rely on high pressing and man-marking combined with a midfielder that knows how to defend will probably do wonders in offloading the pressure put on our defense. We just have to look at inter, this season they have by far the best defense in serie A, despite losing Skriniar and prior to this season, none of their current defenders was considered stellar, but they system based on collective gameplay rather than individual brilliances did allow for this defensive proficiency.

  9. A couple of days ago we read that milan do not want to keep thiaw and would release him this summer!!!!! Now they want to keep him!!!!! What a load of crap news!!!!

  10. What about simic and bartesaghi and zeroli? Is milan’s youth system so bad? Last winter we thought they were whizz kids ….. now they have vanished and no one ever mentions them!!!!

    And by the way – why spend €10 million on a youth team and then never use these players? Sheer utter madness …..

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